Congrats MI on all the forward progress


Well-Known Member
Actually, it's turned into a chaotic headache. I've never seen so much inner fighting in my life. Everyone in the movement has their own opinions on how it should be, including me. Patients want everything free, growers would like to make some money, and are thus the devil. Dispenseries are opening everywhere, and there is ZERO language in the law allowing for it. So, individual counties are raiding them in their black military suits and arresting people at will. Some towns want to arrest everyone, some have no issue and support it within the law enforcement departments.

Better than it was........yea.......a little.........but we have a long way to go for sure. The law was written so poorly that there is no realistic way to follow it and accomplish what it is meant to do. Actually, if you really follow the entire law correctly, it's impossible to do it. Sometimes I wish I never poked my head above ground so to speak. you mind enlarging that avatar of yours likey :).

God I wish I was young again, just for a few hours lol.