's a girl??


Newbie here... from what I've read and seen on here this appears to be a girl in pre-flower.

Sorry don't have a better camera.

She's a NovaBud (Supernova X BigBud), outdoor grow, germinated middle of April. planted outside June 1st. I live in the upper midwest. Any ideas as to when she will go into full flower??? Then its my understanding that she will need 8 to 12 weeks in flower before harvest. Should I be thinking of constructing a greenhouse over her?? Thanks


Well-Known Member
looks like she's starting to flower now, preflower growth isnt so full like that is. I have to bring my outside plants inside overnight the last 4-6 weeks cuz it gets pretty cold outside almost every night. Your from the midwest, you should know what im talking about. lol. rough guess for your harvest is somewhere between the beginning of october to a week or 2 into november.


Thanks.. then I'd better start thinking off way to protect her... she's in a raised flower bed with 6 other plants...hopefully so theres no way to move her in and out. Anyone have any ideas on a cheap greenhouse?? I'm thinking 2 X 4s and polly