

Well-Known Member
Ok...I started about 12 seedlings. 10 Sebring Revenge(23/4) hemp strain and 2 zkittles (sent to me by a RIU member). All was good, then I got to wondering if I properly identified the Zkittles properly. All the plants are about 8” high now, growing beautifully, but they all look the same ...if you know what I mean. At what point do different strains take on identifiable characteristics that will help me out? I would post pics but as I said ... everything looks equal at this point. Thanks ......
By the time you get it into the jars you’ll have a better idea of what is what. I run a bunch of crosses all from the same daddy and different mamas...what can I say? papa was a rolling stone.
Anyway Im lazy about labeling anything but the seeds and even those get all mixed up; it is nearly impossible to tell which is which after cloning but when they get to filling out & ripening it’s easier to tell from the bud structures. Once in the jar the distinctive smells gives them away....It’s fun to discover lineage when you know where the original traits came from.
I am sure at some point I will be able to distinguish between the 2 types...was just wondering when.
I guess it depends on if those plants have a similar leaf structure or not. If they have a similar leaf structure then you probably wouldn’t know until they start flowering and you can smell their terpene profilers.
Most hybrids look the same, i could tell you a really strong looking sat from an indica but not much in between and the leaf might be fatter or thinner depending on the climate and enviroment.