

Active Member
General Hydroponics 3 part plus calmag
PH 6.0
EC 850

Rust spots.

That EC is really high IMO however, the rust spots started at 300EC. I added more Calmag. Doesn’t seem to help as the newer fan leaves have small spots. AC942B79-F62C-405B-A4B7-9407A24927A8.jpegE207C4C0-9D3A-4F2E-947D-C82222AC4A15.jpeg


Active Member
At the very least I'd try to recalibrate and see what that nets you.
I found my other PH pen and it was 1 off. One said 59 and the other said 60. I don’t get it. Unless since I have it in a 12g tote with 10g of water I don’t have enough Calmag exposure. The ppm are already very high to add more calmag. Not sure.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Too many variables and too many assumptions to know what is going wrong. If you started with RO water and calmag at .3 EC and added 3-4 ml/gal of grow/micro/bloom, you probably wouldn't have to look at PH and your plants would be golden. If you can afford a Blue Lab Truncheon stick it will make your life much simpler when measuring EC.


Active Member
Too many variables and too many assumptions to know what is going wrong. If you started with RO water and calmag at .3 EC and added 3-4 ml/gal of grow/micro/bloom, you probably wouldn't have to look at PH and your plants would be golden. If you can afford a Blue Lab Truncheon stick it will make your life much simpler when measuring EC.
Possibly, I run LEDs and I’m not getting very warm and what I read is guys are getting into calmag issues. Where cal is locked out. 2 options I read was increase temp and flush and start over, or flush and lower nutes and that should dial Cal in. My avg temp is probably 72 which is low IMO. What’s the difference in that stick and a digital?