Well-Known Member
Was I taking to you?what’s wrong is he your bitch?im sure lucky puke can talk for him self you see I don’t get intimidated by o look at how long I’m in here if I need your advice which after 20 years I don’t think so oh did you get that phd of chemistry in uni or google so as I said mind you’re own business fuckin mouth
Lol sorry man, but you are still just looking more like a fool. I never tried to "intimidate" you. I made the comment because you are a loud mouth that needed to be set straight with science, it had nothing to do with defending anyone.
You can get butt hurt all you want about being wrong, but it won't change the biology of how plants work man. You should try taking a deep breath and actually learning something instead of being a blow hard that tries to look like a tough guy on the internet.