Confused on PPM and Nutes, help is greatly appreciated


Active Member
Ok, so I'm a little confused at the moment on nutes and PPM. I have the PH portion down I'm just not quite sure what to do in regards to PPM.

So I have 5 x 5 gallon buckets DWC systems with bubblers. The PPM will range between the 5 systems, sometimes quite dramatically. I'm using FoxFarms organics and it's my understanding that nutes directly relate to PPM.

My question is if I'm using the recommended measurements for hydro per FoxFarrms per gallon of water yet my PPM range is low is that a bad thing? Should I add more nutes to increase the PPM?

I'm not really sure how the nutes correlate to PPM so any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
ok, so i'm a little confused at the moment on nutes and ppm. I have the ph portion down i'm just not quite sure what to do in regards to ppm.

So i have 5 x 5 gallon buckets dwc systems with bubblers. The ppm will range between the 5 systems, sometimes quite dramatically. I'm using foxfarms organics and it's my understanding that nutes directly relate to ppm.

My question is if i'm using the recommended measurements for hydro per foxfarrms per gallon of water yet my ppm range is low is that a bad thing? Should i add more nutes to increase the ppm?

I'm not really sure how the nutes correlate to ppm so any help is greatly appreciated.

i always mix 10 gal at a time . First i take 7.5 gals of ro water and mix my nutes compleatly . After that i add more ro water to bring mt pph down to my desired mesurment. Im in my 4th week of flowering and my ppm is 1400 i will hold it there untill i start to see red hairs and then start flushing with strate ro water or final faze workes well.

Ro water is important.


Active Member
Ok, I got ya. I guess my question is, are nutes directly related to PPM? Hence, the more nutes the higher the PPM?

Not being sure I'm going to pose my next question based on the assumption that the above is true. If more nutes = higher PPM then is it more important to maintain manufacturers suggested amounts of nute to water ratio or is it more important to hit PPM ranges regardless of Nute amounts?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I got ya. I guess my question is, are nutes directly related to PPM? Hence, the more nutes the higher the PPM?

Not being sure I'm going to pose my next question based on the assumption that the above is true. If more nutes = higher PPM then is it more important to maintain manufacturers suggested amounts of nute to water ratio or is it more important to hit PPM ranges regardless of Nute amounts?
yes higher dose of nutes = higher ppm.

follow the instructions on the nute bottle, but they are more likely to be giving you dosage amounts PER GALLON. so of you got 5 gallons, you gotta multiply the suggested amount on the nute bottle TIMES 5


Well-Known Member
pls need help cant get this nute thing ... my ppm before i put any nutes in its about 400 do i subtract that from the ppm reading after applying nuets to see the nute amount and i ask because i used what bottle said to the tea and my ppm is 1500 is this too much and how i followed insctructions pls helpith the noob my plants are just sprouted and in dwc system dont want to kill my girls


Well-Known Member
pls need help cant get this nute thing ... my ppm before i put any nutes in its about 400 do i subtract that from the ppm reading after applying nuets to see the nute amount and i ask because i used what bottle said to the tea and my ppm is 1500 is this too much and how i followed insctructions pls helpith the noob my plants are just sprouted and in dwc system dont want to kill my girls
you need to start with a RO system u cant mesure nute ppms if u have 400 ppm before u start. well u can if u want to , but ur doing a DWC system u need to start with cleen water. 400 ppm i would no even drink that and u want to give it to your girls?

my water starts at 40 ppm thats as clean as i can get . short of disteled water but that can get expencive every week.

when i put my clones into flower @ 3 weeks my ppms ar at 800 . im in the 4th week of flower and im at 1400ppm ill keep it there untill 3 weeks before harvist, then i drop it by half for one week then flush with strate water and hygrozine for two weeks , it seem to work well. i have a DWC system also.


Well-Known Member
I guess I feel lucky that my tap water is 6ppm. (rainwater off the roof) Yet anything over 800ppm in nutes gives my gals the burn. I dont understand how I will ever be able to get to ...say 1500ppm.


Well-Known Member
I guess I feel lucky that my tap water is 6ppm. (rainwater off the roof) Yet anything over 800ppm in nutes gives my gals the burn. I dont understand how I will ever be able to get to ...say 1500ppm.
my water started at 800 ppm tap water is very bad. i wont even drink it.

u can get up to 1500 ppms if u do it slowly to fast will burn. im at 1400 with no burn i will send pixs on saterday.


Active Member
ow my head hurts after reading that. Parts per million, logically more of something, gives "its" part of the million to be more. Nutes have a PPM or a total disolved solids. TDS, I think that's right, solution, so if your nutes get too high up there, its time to start monitoring it, because a whole of one thing, preventing others is bad; in a mixed nutrient environment. The yellow is probably burning due to urea breakdown into ammonia, since you're using organics, that stuff is straight from the horse the day after a chili eating contest. Organics would be sweet, but i'm doin a fog/aeroponics setup, and org will clog up my mini sprayers. Did I even answer anything???