Confused about PPM. Please respond


Well-Known Member
So you're saying that once I add all the nutrients correctly my ph is going to be a little high and will need ph down? The ph was 5.5-5.8 when I first dumped nutrients in so I didn't adjust anything.
If the ph is there leave it, that's fine. I'm saying lower your PPMs which is feed strength...feed them less...


Well-Known Member
So you're saying that once I add all the nutrients correctly my ph is going to be a little high and will need ph down? The ph was 5.5-5.8 when I first dumped nutrients in so I didn't adjust anything.
it can go higher or lower depending on ur nutes and the strengths u use. i adjust my ph to 5.8 and after i add all my nutes to full grow strength it goes up to 7-7.5 and sometimes 8 with the bloom at full strength. so i have to lower it regardless. so yeah if it goes way off ballpark i would lower or raise it a bit unless the nutes ur using tell u to do otherwise. a lot of nute companies recommend keeping ur nutes at 5.5-6.5ph in hydro after everything is mixed. if its to high or too low for too long it can cause serious issues. issues such as nute lock and burning of ur plants. ph is important. but yeah lower ur ppm's a bit too like someguy15 said. also remember ph up and down will add ppm's to ur solution.