Confirmation - Phosphorus deficiency?

The Grower Man

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just wanted to confirm before doing anything else to her -

Ph deficiency? Leaves not looking too hot either.

Soil doesn't look too good, I know, but is it too late to transplant?





Well-Known Member
Need more info.
nutes if any ( Not needed @ this early stage)

Loss the tin foil.

You can still re-transpant
It looks like a P lockout rather than a deficiency. It could be from soil that's too compacted or watered too frequently. It could also be low temperatures. If the soil is fresh I'd be shocked if it was really deficient in the soil.


Active Member
what you need to do is buy some real hydro soil and you'll be fine! If i were you I would scrap that plant because its not worth the time and money, unless you want to have it as a "learner" plant where you do pretty much everything wrong to it so you know what some def look like and how to aid them. but still i would scrap it because its fairly difficult to dick around with seedlings without killing them in the process.


Well-Known Member
Well if you take it right now and replant into FFOF or Roots organic and water it once and then leave it alone for a full week, no watering or anything...then see if it is still alive...if it is then water it again with only long as you Don't overwater it, it will turn into a plant...if it survives the first week that is...and only if you leave it alone for a whole watering or anything...let it do what it has to do, but start by getting the poor little thing some proper soil...


Well-Known Member
And for the record: Tiny plants will never have will never feed a tiny plant better...only worse...if you have a seedling looking badly, it is because you are watering it too much, or you have some sort of root eating soil bugs...Once they become plants they can benefit from light feedings along with their water, as long as they are allowed to dry in between...So water and forget about it...


Active Member
Start feeding it a tea made with a little worm casting, some molasis, and a little superthrive, every other day. (PH it to 6.7)
Put some of the tea in a spray bottle and spray your plant down a little too.
Your plant shouldnt have any def being so young, I bet the soil has a low ph or you have a salt build up or something like that.
Yor plant dosent look that bad, but it does in fact needs help. You should be able to bring her back, but i bet it's going to take a couple weeks.
You probably dont need to add any fertilizer, its most likely a lockout caused by a soil problem. If you lightly feed it a few cups of low strength tea every other day and giver her a few sprits with a spray bottle a few times a day, I bet youll get her to turn around.
I wouldnt transplant it, youll stress it out too much. Get it growing again, then transplant.

The Grower Man

Well-Known Member
Wow, I've come a long way from here. Sorry for the bump on the old thread guys, but it was a little nostalgic to see my old (dead) plant and how noob I was then.

Switched to Hydro and now my first attempt is ongoing. =)


Looks a lot better eh?

Grow log is on my signature if you're interested. Thanks for all the advice guys, you've helped me a lot!