
I live in a second floor apartment. I wake up at night and have to take a piss. So I open the window and let it flow right down onto the sidewalk below. It saves having to walk all the way downstairs to the liu.
That was YOu? I thought I got rained on walking home last night
Prepping for my yearly fuck marathon.
there will be swelling,
You have to plan out a marathon?
I've never used a condom. But for those long ass sessions cause your on too many pain pills and coke, seriously some lubes get pretty nasty. I hate even having to use it. Rather just find a wetter pussy. I made my last girl squirt all over the place for the first time, she freaked out saying she didn't pee. I laughed.then it dried up and I was sad. Since on the topic, I must confess. I told this girl I would smoke a blunt with her (really means fuck her) but I don't know, today's a lazy day.
I once knocked on a neighbors door in my apartment complex I lived in and when the girl who lived there opened the door I told her I wanted her to suck my cock. She let me in and sucked my cock. Then I would see her in the hallway and I just ignored her all awkwardly.
i once fell in love with the extasy club scene so bad in 1990 , when it ended i became horrificly depressed, i inject pure amphet so much i lost all my veins , then got deep into heroin and crack, prostiutes and £10,000 a day dealers were my only friends , after waking up in my dreams and getting turned into a soul numbing slave, i turned to alchol 9 lts 7•5% and what ever else , every day for 10 years ,and ended up here,,,nice home, nice life, nice growing hobbie, and stage 4 liver cirrhosis,,,,all because i was a slave to the love!!! that's my confession , please forgive me ? LOVE

You and your Char-kiu. The XX chromosomes in me are dying for the gossip…. Just don't get chafed. either one of you. Oh and have some cranberry capsules on hand to take the morning after. Helps prevent UTI…(bladder sits next to the vag. wall and can become irritated from incessant pounding)

You and your Char-kiu. The XX chromosomes in me are dying for the gossip…. Just don't get chafed. either one of you. Oh and have some cranberry capsules on hand to take the morning after. Helps prevent UTI…(bladder sits next to the vag. wall and can become irritated from incessant pounding)
Dude my dick will be bloated and shedding like a snake for a week.
You just man up and know its temporary.
Sooooo worth it.
like you fuck around for hours without cumming.
Then when it happens itlasts like 5 minutes of the most intense you have ever felt.
drink some water n go again.
24-30 hrs later ya call it a day and thank god you scheduled it around days off.