

Well-Known Member
At least he told you he had a GF instead of making up a story and trying to hook up with you while he HAD a GF...Hope you didn't have unprotected sex...

I miss you, Pinny.


Staff member
LOOK . jusrt cause it was online doesnt mean promises werent broken and my feelings werent hurt yeah im drunk but its true. that dude is a dick.
hes a fucking superficical asshole.
ive been so unhappy wityh me.

and why?
i dont fucking know im actually really pretty.
and yet i continue to strive for more and more.
i love me.
but fuckin goddamnit i want a boyfriend.


Well-Known Member
LOOK . jusrt cause it was online doesnt mean promises werent broken and my feelings werent hurt yeah im drunk but its true. that dude is a dick.
hes a fucking superficical asshole.
ive been so unhappy wityh me.

and why?
i dont fucking know im actually really pretty.
and yet i continue to strive for more and more.
i love me.
but fuckin goddamnit i want a boyfriend.
You're hot and seem really cool. A boyfriend shouldn't be hard to come by. Don't let that douscher keep you down.


Well-Known Member
You're hot and seem really cool. A boyfriend shouldn't be hard to come by. Don't let that douscher keep you down.
Perfexionist or whatever his name was? He's a gym rat, if I remember correctly. I'm sure he doesn't have trouble finding hot women to disappoint.


Well-Known Member
its the same either way cause i was in the dakr the entire time.
I don't get it. If he cheats on you, and you find out till later, and you had genital to genital contact...I dunno, I guess I'm paranoid about catching a disease. Never had one, don't need one.


Staff member
I don't get it. If he cheats on you, and you find out till later, and you had genital to genital contact...I dunno, I guess I'm paranoid about catching a disease. Never had one, don't need one.
ive not had one either. ive only slept with ...8 people now.. does a girl count?
lol you?