Sounds like it was lucky for the kid. He barely old enough to be legally evaluated by a shrink for it. 0 record. Back then, you couldn't even be charged as a juvenile until you were 12.
(I once thought of having kids, so that I could train them to be little assassins, between 6-8. That's a lot of trouble that could be cleared up, and IF they got caught, so what? They HAVE to be released. Not a single question asked without a lawyer and parent present. So, I had a vasectomy.)
420, Nice shooting.

I hate those douche bags that can't fuckin' zipper in. And the right-lane drivers that brake-check at speed merging traffic. WTF! And assholes who tailgate sport bikes (or any bike, for that matter) when we're already ridin' 10+ over the limit. Yeah bitch, it will do 190 flat out. But, it WON'T on this stretch of freeway. I know, because I control the throttle. (I used to carry D-Cell batteries in my tank bag. And marbles, and live rim-fire rounds. I'd get a handful and heave off on those fuckers.)
And, restaurant walk-offs. I've done it 4 times. Every time it was because of service issues, that were brought to the servers attention and went un-addressed. All of the bills hit 300. And, I left a tip. I hate bad service. I understand that you depend on the customer's good will to make ends meet. I also understand that dropping my plate, or snapping at me is not inspiring my good will. I was polite, I attempted to remain in good spirits. You have personal problems? That's just it -- your problems. Join a forum and whine about it, don't bring it to my table. And, when I order a dry merlot, to go with my steak -- don't bring a fuckin' sweet blush because the bottle I ordered was out. Ask me, I can tell you aren't a wine drinker, that's why I gave details about the wine I was ordering to you.
I'm kinda' shocked at a few things that people feel the need to "confess." It really puts into perspective one's moral compass, compared to others. I find the ripper/jacker above absolutely revolting. And yet, I find the many people who, after warning or for just cause, used violence as a means to an end to be just posting cuz they THINK that others find it wrong. They did nothing that any other good person would not have done, given the same circumstances.