Well-Known Member
That was his deep, dark secret.
no deep dark secrets?
this is my 1st post in this thread..
I text. I'm a texting fool. We have unlimited texts, and I think we get close to the limit some months... At the height of our texting tomfoolery we (the boss lady and I) were using a combined total of over 100,000 texts a month. We're only at around 10k-20k most months, now. I hate talking on the phone. Text me, Email me, Skype Message me, PM me, but please, for the love of all that's good and worthwhile, don't make my phone ring. (Unless you are one of those few people I've given my number to, and said "call me." That list is at about 10.) But then, I have a Razr M. And, I want a Droid X! I'm addicted to new technology, and don't give 2 shits about google collecting stats on me. I use a burner for things I don't want connected to me.
I confess, I met some juggalos at the smoke shop yesterday. Turns out that some of them are pretty interesting and normal people. I still don't understand the draw and culture, though.
Bullshit. 100,000 texts for 2 people in a month? That is 1,667 texts sent per person per day (1666.66 X 30 days X 2 people = 100,000). If you sleep for 8 hours that only gives you 16 hours per day to text. That is 104 texts per hour, or 1.7 texts per minute for 16 hours straight, 30 days straight, excluding all activities except sleeping and sending texts (no smoking, sex, tv, eating, or reading the other persons texts). You would be sending a text every 34.5 seconds. I don't see how that is even physically possible.
Bullshit. 100,000 texts for 2 people in a month? That is 1,667 texts sent per person per day (1666.66 X 30 days X 2 people = 100,000). If you sleep for 8 hours that only gives you 16 hours per day to text. That is 104 texts per hour, or 1.7 texts per minute for 16 hours straight, 30 days straight, excluding all activities except sleeping and sending texts (no smoking, sex, tv, eating, or reading the other persons texts). You would be sending a text every 34.5 seconds. I don't see how that is even physically possible.
He is kinda sorta a friend of mine. .
He is kinda sorta a friend of mine.
Here's one. My wife and I are doing her best friend who only lives about 20 miles away. She is married and her husband waits for her to come home. He is kinda sorta a friend of mine. Obviously he is not stepping up to the plate and both girls are bi (he doesn't know that his wife likes pussy), so what am I supposed to do, wheather I participate or not the two of them are going to do it anyways. Am I supposed to watch t.v while the two of them get it on, (both are hot milf's)?. It's just hard having a beer with the guy the two to three times a year that I do.
Children no, youngest is almost 30
Are you reading the bible while turning to page 20?
Sure. But what if she doesn't want you?