
no deep dark secrets?

Already confessed those.. and been forgiven... I still screw up.. hence the sig..

I have some good stories tho...

(wasted on tekillya)
missed a metallica concert after getting in a verbal fight with my gf.. left the concert.. walked about 6 miles away.. from the venue (thinking I was about 1 mile from my house) I was about a 50 min drive from my house... sobered up a bit.. while walking.. caught a ride from a some random nice lady at a gas station.. (I'm 6'2 weighed about 220 lbs at the time) I would not have given myself a ride.. (that sounds awkward...) so she dropped me off at the venue.. concert was just getting out.. I was still drunk.. but.. kinda sobered up a lil more.. but I had no freaking clue where we parked.. I ended up catching a ride back home since I saw a few folks I knew from high school.. smoked a J on the way back home..

got home.. went to bed.. I get a call about 12pm.. it's GF freaking the heck out.. telling me they have been looking in Fresno for me for 2 hours.. (my best friend also went to the concert.. GF drove.. I drank way too much.. ) I explain what happened and well long story short.. we dated for a few more years after this.. they were pretty forgiving too.. I wasnt allowed to drink Tekillya while I was with her.. infact.. I learned my lesson from that day and have not had any since..

now VODKA on the other hand.. she's an entirely different lady to me..

and I miss her...
I text. I'm a texting fool. We have unlimited texts, and I think we get close to the limit some months... At the height of our texting tomfoolery we (the boss lady and I) were using a combined total of over 100,000 texts a month. We're only at around 10k-20k most months, now. I hate talking on the phone. Text me, Email me, Skype Message me, PM me, but please, for the love of all that's good and worthwhile, don't make my phone ring. (Unless you are one of those few people I've given my number to, and said "call me." That list is at about 10.) But then, I have a Razr M. And, I want a Droid X! I'm addicted to new technology, and don't give 2 shits about google collecting stats on me. I use a burner for things I don't want connected to me.

I confess, I met some juggalos at the smoke shop yesterday. Turns out that some of them are pretty interesting and normal people. I still don't understand the draw and culture, though.

Bullshit. 100,000 texts for 2 people in a month? That is 1,667 texts sent per person per day (1666.66 X 30 days X 2 people = 100,000). If you sleep for 8 hours that only gives you 16 hours per day to text. That is 104 texts per hour, or 1.7 texts per minute for 16 hours straight, 30 days straight, excluding all activities except sleeping and sending texts (no smoking, sex, tv, eating, or reading the other persons texts). You would be sending a text every 34.5 seconds. I don't see how that is even physically possible.
Bullshit. 100,000 texts for 2 people in a month? That is 1,667 texts sent per person per day (1666.66 X 30 days X 2 people = 100,000). If you sleep for 8 hours that only gives you 16 hours per day to text. That is 104 texts per hour, or 1.7 texts per minute for 16 hours straight, 30 days straight, excluding all activities except sleeping and sending texts (no smoking, sex, tv, eating, or reading the other persons texts). You would be sending a text every 34.5 seconds. I don't see how that is even physically possible.

Whoa. That was like one of those memes on facebook, but in real life. This was staged! I call shenanigans on you two!
Here's one. My wife and I are doing her best friend who only lives about 20 miles away. She is married and her husband waits for her to come home. He is kinda sorta a friend of mine. Obviously he is not stepping up to the plate and both girls are bi (he doesn't know that his wife likes pussy), so what am I supposed to do, wheather I participate or not the two of them are going to do it anyways. Am I supposed to watch t.v while the two of them get it on, (both are hot milf's)?. It's just hard having a beer with the guy the two to three times a year that I do.
Bullshit. 100,000 texts for 2 people in a month? That is 1,667 texts sent per person per day (1666.66 X 30 days X 2 people = 100,000). If you sleep for 8 hours that only gives you 16 hours per day to text. That is 104 texts per hour, or 1.7 texts per minute for 16 hours straight, 30 days straight, excluding all activities except sleeping and sending texts (no smoking, sex, tv, eating, or reading the other persons texts). You would be sending a text every 34.5 seconds. I don't see how that is even physically possible.

Nice math!

I sleep on average 3-5 hours a night. We both send and receive texts, and not just from/to each other. Right now, after resetting my phone on the 1st, and changing my number, I'm at about a thousand texts. And, I only text family now (moms, siblings of both of ours, 2 other relatives.) It'll get stupid again, as (or if...) business picks up.

When I was diesel mechanic/shop manager, I'd average 100-200 sent/received between boss and crews. (crews don't know shit, boss NEEDED to know EVERYTHING.)

That's sent and received. Not nearly as hard as you'd think to send/receive 50,000+ texts a month. But, I don't want to talk to (or hear from) that many people any more. Really, technology is too integrated.

(And, I'm one of those annoying texters that send corrected spelling texts.)
Here's one. My wife and I are doing her best friend who only lives about 20 miles away. She is married and her husband waits for her to come home. He is kinda sorta a friend of mine. Obviously he is not stepping up to the plate and both girls are bi (he doesn't know that his wife likes pussy), so what am I supposed to do, wheather I participate or not the two of them are going to do it anyways. Am I supposed to watch t.v while the two of them get it on, (both are hot milf's)?. It's just hard having a beer with the guy the two to three times a year that I do.

Be a fucking man with integrity, hold your head high and do the right say milf that tells me there are children involved....think real carefully about how and who you'll affect...
Children no, youngest is almost 30

Can the boss lady and I fuck your wife?

If not, than you shouldn't be sticking you pecker in his wife. At least you should let him know... Some of the nicest people wind up being very impolite in their response, when they find out some shit like this has been going on, by a supposed friend.
Lol, yeah finding out that your significant other was bored enough with you to fuck not only 1 person, but 1 person from each gender is what Lifetime movies are made of!
It amazes me how many people will scroll down through 74 pages of reading other peoples shit (confessions) they put on here and are so quick to judge everyone else. It's too bad that we all don't live in a perfect world (like some of you who judge). Smoke your reefer and possibly watch your porn and damn others that you feel is beneath you.
Sure. But what if she doesn't want you?

Check my sig. There's always a solution for that... I'm pretty sure HE doesn't want you fucking his wife.

Neo, that was what I was going to suggest, but thought that something like that, coming from me, might be too outta character.