

Pickle Queen
I must confess i'm about to get high, very very high! Gotta love EU customs checks. Broughtis notwhat was left of my weed from amsterdam back to the UK, it's a fair amount :)

What's to be scared of April? If they offer it to you, just say thankyou but no thankyou. They might feel let down, but if you explain your reasoning, they will appreciate your honesty and such beyond the issue of the let down :)
Scared of failing...not knowing how to handle certain situations since I lack the experience ..but refusing a challenge Is not something I can do..I would only let myself down. I process customs docs , my shipments contain radioactive materials so I guess I gotta start reading my ISO numerical or typing mistake could cost my company a small fortune in fines or reprocessing fees..must be perfect..this is intimidating as hell..kinda excited..


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Staff member
Scared of failing...not knowing how to handle certain situations since I lack the experience ..but refusing a challenge Is not something I can do..I would only let myself down. I process customs docs , my shipments contain radioactive materials so I guess I gotta start reading my ISO numerical or typing mistake could cost my company a small fortune in fines or reprocessing fees..must be perfect..this is intimidating as hell..kinda excited..
Macros :) and I'm sure you know that. You'll do fine, enjoy it.


Pickle Queen
Macros :) and I'm sure you know that. You'll do fine, enjoy it.
Lol I completed a microsoft bootcamp at the local uni the day he told me..last friday. It was fun not wearing makeup and being able to wear jogging pants all week...I never went and do regret It..oh shit my youth is gone...but thanks ur kind words give me extra confidence

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Lol I completed a microsoft bootcamp at the local uni the day he told me..last friday. It was fun not wearing makeup and being able to wear jogging pants all week...I never went and do regret It..oh shit my youth is gone...but thanks ur kind words give me extra confidence
I never wear make-up. And I sometimes work in pyjamas. That's how I roll.


Well-Known Member
I confess that I miss my old guitar, a Jackson Stealth HX, that I had to sell more than any ex girlfriend. I've always kept an eye out in the music stores and pawn shops for it. Hoping maybe that my lost true love will find it's way back to me. Maybe I should make a facebook page for it and look like a parent searching for it's long ago adopted off child...


Well-Known Member
I confess that I miss my old guitar, a Jackson Stealth HX, that I had to sell more than any ex girlfriend. I've always kept an eye out in the music stores and pawn shops for it. Hoping maybe that my lost true love will find it's way back to me. Maybe I should make a facebook page for it and look like a parent searching for it's long ago adopted off child...
i had a charvel model 4, completely custom.. was a badass guitar. the neck broke and i sold it to a kid that works on guitars. he put a neck from a fat strat on it and made 600 off it lol. i do the same thing at the music stores in the area he sold it.. that was a serious guitar, at the time i didnt appreciate it because i had my les paul.. but the charvel was incredible
this ones almost identical

it was all re-done by wild west guitars


Well-Known Member
When I have a doctor's appointment and he leaves me in the room I like to rifle through his drawers. Haven't been caught yet. I'm such the rebel.


Well-Known Member
True shit man. Which is why I just feel so low. She dosen't know that I've been unfaithful, if she did she would KILL me and never have anything to do with me agian and like I've told myself plenty of times before, I would have nothing to live for if she left. Were just going through some shit right now and I know things will get better. No drug or girl will ever be able to replace my wife. EVER.
You've already let it. Think about what you would want in this situation, put yourself in her shoes. Why the hell are you sleeping on the couch? You fucked up and if you cared about her as much as you say you do, you would be making a tremendous effort right now to stop fucking up.... not just distancing yourself from her and making things that much worse.

My ex would have said the same thing. I'm sorry, don't mean to come off as a huge bitch, but I just can't stand this "I'm such a victim, I can't help that I cheated!" attitude. Don't you think she deserves better? And yes, you absolutely 110% can become addicted to MDMA... my friend goes on week long binges and at the end of it, she'll sleep for 2 days straight, hate everyone, and go right back to it again. It's a vicious cycle. Please get help and talk to someone. I wish you all the best.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a revolution at my job to get out at six instead of eight. I have plans to get destroyed tonight and that extra two hours I can accomplish so much (not really but fuck this place). I'm already being diabolical and telling the managers the other ones are saying we get out at six... If it all goes as expected I'll be out in two hours. If I get caught I'm blaming it on the new kid.


Well-Known Member
I've give up wanking this morning I never thought that
I could , I'm feelin better already and this time I'm off
it for good . When I first wanked I's thought I's so
clever And all of me mates they were mugs .Thought I
was the first bloke here on earth who'd ever played
with his slug ,It was me own little secret and I never
told anyone and the feelin' I got the first time I shot
was like chooks flyin' out of me bum , so I'm givin' up
wanking...tomorrow I never thought that I could then I
won't get these bad headaches and then I'll be off it
for good . I've wanked in some unlikely places the
shower, the beach and pool the dunny a tram and
the pictures and biology classes at school and once me
grandmother caught me wankin' meself in me room but to
her suprise I just shut me eyes and Imagined her
standin' there nude. I'mgivin' up wanking... next
tuesday I never thought that I could and then I won't
skwint like I do now and then I'll be off it for good
my dad says it's gonna take willpower , there really is no
easy trick , I honetly thought I'd need surgery to help get
me hand off me dick . me dad's been a great inspiration
he really has been a great help , he knows what I go
though and just what yo do cause he give it up yesterday
himself , so I'm givin' up wanking next friday I never
thought that I could and then I'll be off it for good .
so if you don't wank you're a lair and a fool if you
say that you do , so next time you see, prince charles on
tv remember he wanks himself too . so I'm givin' up
wanking come christmas I never thought that I could and
I'll sell me dog and me white cane and then i'll pack
away me dark glasses and then I'll be off it for good !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I love scissor hash !
I think i have a possum in my roof , only thing is , it's a 2 storey house and it's inbetween the 1st and 2nd level .
how could it get in ?
We hear running and shit every night , rite above the tv area where we sit at night .
I once ate a dog treat , it was ok , no taste though .
I can't fucking stand tripe , the texture is rather sickening , along with the taste of it .
I love chicken hearts cooked in a pan with olive oil and crushed garlic . With a twist of lemon at the end !


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cloaking device
The speed of those suckers are the only cloaking device they need! Oops except when they are standing still. Yeah, you are right.... gotta head up Edwards way and see what's gotten thrown behind the hangars... or hiding where the ground support equipment hides!


Pickle Queen
Lol I must confess that I assumed I still had a year of car payments left...I noticed that my payment for Nov was never taken out so I called. .the lovely lady informed me that my car was paid off last month....!!!!!! Such a great moment I actually started crying I was in such shock...Christmas will be awesome I can spoil the shit out of my man...500$ a month adds up...I feel so free :) plus I have maybe 110 000km on my 5 yr old car..and I still have warranty !!! Baby needs new tires...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Lol I must confess that I assumed I still had a year of car payments left...I noticed that my payment for Nov was never taken out so I called. .the lovely lady informed me that my car was paid off last month....!!!!!! Such a great moment I actually started crying I was in such shock...Christmas will be awesome I can spoil the shit out of my man...500$ a month adds up...I feel so free :) plus I have maybe 110 000km on my 5 yr old car..and I still have warranty !!! Baby needs new tires...
oh April embrace this! Just wait.... two years running I thought I was already 1 year older and told everyone my wrong age all year. On my birthday hub reveals my new age as a gift :) I get to do another year at the same age TA DA! This memory loss shit works! MORE Pot!