concerns with the "true yield potential" of autoflowering strains

is it really possible to produce some 300g+ of bud from autoflowering strains. i was looking at the Sweet Seeds - Speed Devil 100% Feminised and it says Type: Automatic Flowering
THC: 15%, CBD: 1,2%, CBN: 0,5%
Yeld: indoor 300-450 gr/m2, outdoor 15-50 gr/plant
Flowering period: 5 week
Harvest time outdoor: 60 days

and i was just wondering if there was some kind of typo error, on the labeling of the indoor/outdoor yield amounts maybe to help sell the product. because i dont really understand how a 60 day to harvest could attain 10 oz. + if anyone could help me understand this strain a little better it would be much appreciated, because if theis plant truly has the indoor potential of massive amounts per tiny plant, id be very interested in switching strains. thanks


Well-Known Member
That 300- 450 grams means: Per Square Meter.

Means when they are packed in like a Sea Of Green grow.

It also says: 15- 50 grams per plant, so that is all you will get from 1.


Well-Known Member
avergae for joint doctor is about 1/2 oz to 1 oz depending on organic or hydro. I have never done better than 1.5 oz with auto flower which i found good for 2 months start-finish.


Well-Known Member doing my next grow with 40 autoflowering hoping for a minimum of 1oz dry per girl... :-/ any more opinions?


Well-Known Member
I think an oz per plant is what you should plan on. I'm about to start my lowryders under 820w of cfls and I'm only going to grow six. I'm hoping to get 1.5 oz per plant but we will see.


Well-Known Member
Your yield will depend on alot of factors like lighting, technique etc... and don't plan on getting what the seed bank says,
especially if it's your first time. That said, autoflower plants are great in small spaces and you can easily get an ounce per
plant if you use HPS lighting and you don't over feed them. With enough plants packed into a 3x3 space, you could get around
200-300g. Autoflowers grow really fast and flowering is explosive, with another nice growth spurt about 2 or 3 weeks before
they finish.
I've only done the Lowlife Auto-AK47, and I was happy with it. Very odorous, very sticky, and pretty potent.

Good luck. Oh, and watt per watt, HPS is way better than CFL. You may think you're saving money or getting less heat,
but a watt is a watt. That is, a watt of electricity puts out the same amount of heat regardelss of what kind of bulb you're
burning. A 400 or 600 watt HPS would be wayy more lumens per watt than 820w of CFLs. Plus you get better bud density
with HPS. It's an investment that pays for itself with the very first grow, trust me.


Active Member
13 year grower here, tried autoflowering strains for the first time last year, did some indoors some outdoors. Yield on both was low, around 1/2 oz dry per plant max for me! ..... less on some. Quality however WAS excellent, the Diesel Ryders from Joint Doctor was a fine smoke and I was happy to get a good solid Q or half from them, can't knock them at all on quality of the finished buds........ but if your a heavy daily smoker then personally I would'nt bother with autos.

Yield is the only issue for me with autos, many others of course say that long term the introduction of the ruderalis into modern breeding will cause problems for many years to come, remains to be seen.

Just my opinion
so what strain exactly were you using when you achieved 1.5 oz. each? and were you using hps? just wondering becase i have a 400w HPS, and a MH conversion bulb for the last two weeks of flowering to increase potency. my two questions are is the lamp change neccessary/worthwhile with an auto strain? and what are these autos are of the high yielding strains i keep hearing rumor about?


Well-Known Member
Diesel Ryder is supposed to be potent, but not very high yielding. Lowlife Auto-AK47 is pretty potent too, and one of the
higher yielding auto strains. I got 1oz per plant, some have gotten as much as 1.5 or higher given optimal conditions.

I haven't heard of using the MH during the last 2 weeks, I may give that a try next run. Personally, I use a MH conversion
bulb for the first 3 weeks for better vegetative growth, then switch to HPS for the rest of flower.


Well-Known Member
i tried lower ryder #2, diseal ryder, ak47xlowryder #2, and hindukushxwhite russian. The hindu kush was by far the best and most potent but ony got like 10 g off it. the diseal i found was the highest yielder, the genes are not 100% stabilized so sometimes you can get one that grows like 3-4 ft tall but finishes in 2 months . its sweet lol far less potent than normal plant due to the ruderalis cross in auto-flowers
I haven't heard of using the MH during the last 2 weeks, I may give that a try next run. Personally, I use a MH conversion
bulb for the first 3 weeks for better vegetative growth, then switch to HPS for the rest of flower.
I am using a 2ft and 4ft T-5 floro for veg and then my 400w HPS for flower and i recently read in a ASK ED coloum im the West Coast Cannabis Mag. that switching over to MH for the last two weeks of Bloom will significantly increase the potency of your buds. I think its stress related, since the plant can of course still use the light completely to thrive, its just much different. like if say somebody changed the color of the sun to purple, we'd be confused but we'd probably survive and if we did we'd be hella happy:joint:, and i assume this is the basis of THC increased production.


Well-Known Member
Stress may have a little to do with it, but I think it's more of a light spectrum issue. MH has more UV spectrum than HPS, and
THC production increases with more UV. You can probably get the same effect by adding some fluoro UV reptile lights for the last two weeks.
so then would using the MH for the last two weeks of flowering be use ful to create potency or would it be more of a loss of overall weight, keeping in mind how short a flowering period is covered.


Well-Known Member
nice info so far. After my current grow is finished my roommate and i are going to start i guess 20-40 autoflowering ak47's under one 1000watt hps and one 600watt hps as well. while running Co2 with proper blooming formulas. we're using 3gallon grow bags for each. hoping for at least an ounce per baby


Well-Known Member
MH for the last two weeks probably wouldn't reduce yield. It could increase potency, and it might make the buds
a little more dense. I'm thinking of trying it myself. Check out this video, it gives some info on THC and how UV
light affects potency:

I just started 20 Auto AK47 under a 400w MH, and will be transferring them to 600w HPS in a few weeks. I use
2 gallon pots. Any bigger is a waste of soil in my opinion for such small plants.