Concerned faja here


Well-Known Member
one of my week old seedlings is a much lighter green color and the leaves are curling up around the edges. diagnosis?:confused:


Well-Known Member
Tips curling up is usually an environment issue. Light stress/heat, atmosphere and humidity Etc.
Leaf curling down is the opposite where its a nutrient issue.


Well-Known Member
hmm.. she doesnt like it as much as the other plant i take it? well I switched their places today itll be interesting to see what happens to the healthy one. thanks for the reply. :joint:


Well-Known Member
2012-05-01 12.09.19.jpgannnd there it iss, for some reason couldnt upload with the rest
anyways, the medium they're in is MG soil starting mix, shot glass for humidity, and there is an exhaust fan up there by the light pulling the hot air out and a passive intake where I used to have an intake fan, I just got lazy and havent wired it up cause I dont like the noise level bongsmilie


Active Member
I haven't given them anything other than our well water.. Maybe the ferts in the soil..hmm
my wife(who does NOT grow) - immediately spotted WELL water
prolly VURRY high in sulfur and calcium - ph questionable at best
combined with first grow
miracle grow
too lazy
lotsa heat
gl buddy