Concentric Mesh Cup Carbon Filter!!


Well-Known Member
I was cruising the web the other day at work, and I found this really sweet DIY air scrubber... It used two aluminum mesh cups (one just a bit smaller than the other), filled with aquarium charcoal and sleeved in pantyhose. I can't find the friggin' page again (because I have to be uber discrete at work, I couldn't send myself the link or bookmak it).

Does anyone know the one I'm talking about?? I think I can figure out how to replicate it from memory, but would rather have a "recipe" to look back on.
Dude I have been searching for that same fucking DIY for an hour and just came across this post while searching.


Let me know if you find/found it, I really need it too. As I remember, the writer bought everything from Wal-Mart.


i want to make this filter. my problem is i have no idea how to run it. im wondering if you can install it 1st through duct to the fan and out the cab. or i guess, suck the fumes through it. i don't know. i'm a nube. but, right now, i could use some vent. temps are up there and humidity high.