Concealing their true identity


Well-Known Member
my situation is depressing. my plants are looking awesome, and they're growing like crazy... but they are pretty much getting to look like an obvious pot plant - and in my current living situation, that is a bad thing :-(

can i trim the leaves at all, or somehow conceal their true identity in any way that will allow me to continue this adventure??

i already have the odor under control, many thanks to videoman40 for his awesome ONA bucket thread :-)

any ideas for ending my plight?



Well-Known Member
crayola, you are confusing me once more on a higher level:D what is wrong with your plants? 4inches of height are not a big business to hide, and if you want to keep them that low top them and bondage the wigs down so that they grow sideways and not in height;) if you stick to that plan like a madman you can keep em at 4-6" for all the 8 weeks until you have our HPS and they are matured to flower them. and in flower you keep on tying them down:)


Well-Known Member
OR are you hiding them from your mom and she has still no real idea what you growing there?:D because then she will sooner or later figure out what you u to, trust me;) there is no better detection system then MOM, glad that the CIA is still run by guys:D


Well-Known Member
OR are you hiding them from your mom and she has still no real idea what you growing there?:D because then she will sooner or later figure out what you u to, trust me;) there is no better detection system then MOM, glad that the CIA is still run by guys:D

direct hit


Well-Known Member
yeah forsure. tell her you got some seeds from a friend you said it was a maple tree. and then she would ask why you have lights on it. and then say i want to see the speacial flowers it grows lol.

it dosnt seem like your 18 r u?

i know your most likely not am i correct


Well-Known Member
it's japanese maple damn it !!
that is a good idea, i got one in the front yard sittin, drawn in the cops a few times now:mrgreen: but there is one problem to that, it doesn't stink at all and has reddish leaves:D so i would rather go with science project for an non-pharmaceutical/synthetic painkiller:D or tell her the trues and that you actively fighting organised crime by this action and al kaida, since they draw their finances from the pot you buy on the street, no shit about that. most fighting in helmand province for example is caused by drug lords which once been members of the northern alliance and now join the taliban in their fight since they promise them now security from the us lead drug war on them:evil: life can be shitty confusing, especially in guerrilla warfare:twisted:
and those guys you withdraw the funds now and with this you are more successful then the states 300 billion$ war on drugs and terror, ain't this great?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah forsure. tell her you got some seeds from a friend you said it was a maple tree. and then she would ask why you have lights on it. and then say i want to see the speacial flowers it grows lol.

it dosnt seem like your 18 r u?

i know your most likely not am i correct

lol i'm a senior in high school and yes i am 18, lol... i know a lot of members here are. i have a lot of friends who are graduated and have their own places though, and i was thinking maybe moving the plants there when it gets warmer. then i would just pay the expense of the lights or something...

i just don't want to see my plants go :-(