Computer PC Case Grow Box Testing #2


Well-Known Member
MAN! I've been workin' like crazy.. just catching up now. That is GREAT lookin', to me. What's your soil mix, again?


Man I Love reading your Stealth-Pc-Growing Blog ! It's the most interesting blog ever. This shit is real ! Btw, what are the dimensions of your box?



I just finished reading through your first grow. That one was nice and this one is even better! :) I wish I had thought of using a PC case years ago. It never occurred to me and it's great for stealth when you have people all over. I'm in a similar situation with seeds about as old as yours although it doesn't look like any of them will germinate. I had about 100 and I'm down to the last 20 or so and so far they all dead. Ah well, I shoulda froze em. Did you do anything special to your seeds to save them or bring em back?

I didn't catch in your first grow what kind of nutes your using.. how much and are you doing things like controlling ph? What soil are you using this time?

anyway great pics! I'm following closely


Well-Known Member
I just finished reading through your first grow. That one was nice and this one is even better! :) I wish I had thought of using a PC case years ago. It never occurred to me and it's great for stealth when you have people all over. I'm in a similar situation with seeds about as old as yours although it doesn't look like any of them will germinate. I had about 100 and I'm down to the last 20 or so and so far they all dead. Ah well, I shoulda froze em. Did you do anything special to your seeds to save them or bring em back?

I didn't catch in your first grow what kind of nutes your using.. how much and are you doing things like controlling ph? What soil are you using this time?

anyway great pics! I'm following closely
Hi there! THanks for your message!
No, I didn't do something special to keep my seeds... they were in a small zip lock bag in a dark and dry place... that's it.
Some took like 3 weeks to germinate... so don't throw them after 72 hours...

Well... for the nutes and soil, I'm the guy who wants to do things simple. I'm using the cheapest potting soil I could find at walmart.

For the nutes, I use good old Miracle Grow. That is it.

I water twice a week and give nutes every 2 weeks.

That's it! ;)


Well-Known Member
My best plant is at least 5 years old from great stuff. Sometimes, they keep and you get lucky. :)

Moral of the story: Keep your seeds...


Active Member
i keep a lot of shitty seeds keep as many as you can from good weed over time

i dont find that time really matters unless they've been crushed in some way..some are just retarded sperm that cant break shell

thats me opinion atleast (^_^)


Ah, thanks guys! I will try harder to germinate these little guys. They still look healthy on the outside but I'm kind of thinking they may be dead on the inside. I definitely didn't wait 3 weeks before so I'll give them at least that much time on this go.

Have you thought about trying a LED light system Blisters? I'm thinking that would greatly reduce heat problems and provide more room in the box. Less heat would mean less fan noise also. With a home made LED setup you could even use the top of the case as a heatsink for high power LEDs. You could use a regular PC power supply for running everything too. I have the electronic skills to build something like that but I don't know if it would be a good idea for a first time grower.

Good to find other people with similar goals! :)


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about trying a LED light system Blisters? I'm thinking that would greatly reduce heat problems and provide more room in the box. Less heat would mean less fan noise also. With a home made LED setup you could even use the top of the case as a heatsink for high power LEDs. You could use a regular PC power supply for running everything too. I have the electronic skills to build something like that but I don't know if it would be a good idea for a first time grower.
Hi! Yeah, I thought about LEDs... but here is what made me choose CFLs. First, a LED system would be more expensive. Second and not the least, I've read that LED are like Vitamins... it have the right light spectrum for plants(blu and red) but there is something missing. You can't get like 2600 lumens with LEDs in such a small place... CFLs provides Full light spectrum and even though people tell you plants needs only blue and red spectrum.. they actually need The full spectrum to grow healthy.

I choose CFLs and manage the heat with the most powerfull and quiet fans on the market(NOCTUA).

This said... I haven't tested with LEDs. And I haven't seen any real computer case testing with them...

I don't think I can do better in my PC case then I'm doing now with my going grow. My case is actually FULL!!! ;)


I hear ya. After more research I'm thinking the same thing about LEDs. Maybe some day but it's a bit of a wild card right now.

I like your setup. The only change I'm thinking about is a piece of glass separating the lights and the lower area so I can streamline the heat removal. Assuming it's sealed well then I won't need charcoal filters up there which should give me easy air flow.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit... I think I just had an orgasm. Seriously man, that is one beautiful bitch. + rep for you my friend, +rep.