Computer fan and carbon filter.


Active Member
i'm looking at getting an odorsok or even building my own filter within the next week or so as my plant's getting a bit stinky!!!

i was wondering what you guys thoughts on using one with my 120cfm computer fan. will my fan have enough torque to push through a filter? my space is quite small, i'm thinking a big 300cfm centrifugal fan would deffinetely be overkill but do you think it's worth investing?


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna use a 120mm computer fan, make sure it's at the very end, pulling everything thru the filter, with another fan somewhere to act as an intake. Fans work best in pairs for airflow.


Well-Known Member
I disagree partially.

Have a higher power output fan than input fan if you are using two, this will cause more negative pressure in the duct.

What is the cubic dimension of your space? What temp do you usually run?


Active Member
cheers for the help guys

it's just a one plant space, 1'4" x 1'7" x 4' ...long time since maths haha you just multiply those to get cubic feet yeah?

well that's 9.52 cubic feet.

i've not reset my thermometer for a few days, highest is 86 and lowest is 70.

currently i have no intake, would you recommend i get another fan?

but what i really want to know is, will the comp fan and the filter just work against each other? would i be better making a really small filter (there are good guides on this site!) and just replace the carbon more often?


Well-Known Member
I would go with a passive intake system and have all of the grunt be on the filter side of your air flow. Your temps seem good, remember the more air you flow and the cooler the temps get the heavier and denser your buds are. I don't have any pictures but I'm guessing your air intake is low on your setup and the output is high? I would make a carbon filter combo light trap with two fans and a carbon scrubber in the middle. Visit your local plumbers section of Lowes or Home Depot and pick up two 90 degree PVC tubing and some straight sections. Connect the 90 degree to your box and a lower power fan at the end of it, then a straight section with carbon in it and a retaining screen of some sort, be creative. Then attach another fan of a higher strength to the end of the straight section and stack your final piece of 90 degree tubing on that. Make it serviceable and there you have it. A compact complete system. Depending on how you build the filter you may want more ooph in the fans, your air pressure in your box is going to varry also.

I would not recommend a fan for intake because if your pressure in the box goes from negative to positive all the stinky air in the box will be forced through the cracks of the box rather than the carbon scrubber.


Active Member
I would go with a passive intake system and have all of the grunt be on the filter side of your air flow. Your temps seem good, remember the more air you flow and the cooler the temps get the heavier and denser your buds are. I don't have any pictures but I'm guessing your air intake is low on your setup and the output is high? I would make a carbon filter combo light trap with two fans and a carbon scrubber in the middle. Visit your local plumbers section of Lowes or Home Depot and pick up two 90 degree PVC tubing and some straight sections. Connect the 90 degree to your box and a lower power fan at the end of it, then a straight section with carbon in it and a retaining screen of some sort, be creative. Then attach another fan of a higher strength to the end of the straight section and stack your final piece of 90 degree tubing on that. Make it serviceable and there you have it. A compact complete system. Depending on how you build the filter you may want more ooph in the fans, your air pressure in your box is going to varry also.

I would not recommend a fan for intake because if your pressure in the box goes from negative to positive all the stinky air in the box will be forced through the cracks of the box rather than the carbon scrubber.
thats some good info right there! +rep :)

being creative is something that goes hand in hand, not only with smoking, but (as i've been learning) growing too... i've loved all the little challenges my grow has set me!

thanks for the help, work will start on my filter this week... i may make a thread on the matter.