compost tea through flowering/ fighting against bud rot?(foliar feeding)


Active Member
compost tea fights against disease when applied as a foliar feed; with this being true, can foliar feeding be done through flowering-- possibly to harvest? does compost tea fight against bud rot?


Well-Known Member
There may be organisms in compost tea that may inhibit bud rot, but I sure don't want dried up compost tea crust on my buds.

Spraying buds in the first place is asking for bud rot. I don't spray buds unless I need to for PM control, and even then I only
use benign things like potassium bicarbonate (Green Cure).


New Member
I agree with Spicy^. It's going to leave a pretty solid organic crust on your buds that you'll have to wash off. I don't think it would prevent rot either.