Compost Tea During Bloom?


Active Member
IMAG0328.jpgIMAG0337.jpgIMAG0336.jpgIMAG0335.jpgStarted late this year. My girls have only been in for 2 months and I'm trying to get the best results. I have heard that it is safe to foliar feed compost tea during the flowering stage. I have an outdoor grow and have been spraying with tea once a week. Everything looks great, no mildew, no bugs, no brown, no problems so far. Last year I got nailed by mites during full bloom. I've heard that spraying with tea with not only help with the mites, but will improve the size and flavor of the buds....any thoughts.


NICE GROW!! What ever you are doing, it is working well. The "tea" mixture you are using; care to provide a list of ingredients for others to try. If it grows that well and helps with critters too, I'm sure we would all like to try a batch of that tea. Strain? Medium? Props to ya' for some beautiful plants>
Wow, those are some healthy looking plants. Compost tea rocks! I've been using it with a smaller outdoor grow of my own and the pants seem to love the stuff. makes the leaves very dark green.