Completely stealth grow room


Active Member
I've just recently moved into a new house and have found the perfect place to grow that has lots of room, plenty space to vent (hopefully), and is completely undetectable!
Along my wall in my bedroom I have a wall of closets, however there's a space that isn't a door and there's no way to get in but there's a wooden panel over it. So I took a screw driver to it and pried it off and found the most amazing space behind it. And area bout 14-15 inches wide, by over 9 feet tall!
My plan is to put hinges on it and add some sort of mechanism that prevents it from being opened accidentally so that if someone tries to open it it wont. I'll put some shelves in and give a good vacuuming and paint job, install the lights and vents and voila, my very own grow room.
I only have one problem and that's the electricity. But about 5 feet in front of the closet is a wall with an outlet and I'll just run an extension cord hidden under a floor rug.



Well-Known Member
if you have the coin i would recomend t5 flouro`s i have had heat issues with cfl`sbut i geusse it will depend on venting to


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a could put a mirror on the outside. That will make it less attractive as a cabinent in appearance. No knobs....maybe a way or a slot for you to open it on the bottom or around.....hhhmmm....well I am sure you will figure it out!


Active Member
It seems like after the nine feet theres something else up there?

a. if its not the roof, break through in hopes of a good source of ventilation

b. if it is the roof, whats to prevent you from cutting an exhaust in one of the sides? Have a scrubber in there and pump clean air into your closet or whatever it is adjacent. You could always cover the blatant hole with a box or jacket or something..whatever works based on the situation


Active Member
Unfortunately this house is an entirely concrete house and above this room its just the roof which is just a flat open floor. And now that I think about there's no good way I can think of to vent it so I think I may build a carbon filter and vent air from the higher cabinets into this are and out through the filter into another cabinet. That should control the smell enough.

Edit: It may 3 or so weeks until I start growing depending on what I'm able to get here easily. Or I may not be able to grow if I can't find crucial supplies. It's about a 70% chance that something will be growing in the next month.
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Well-Known Member
Use a 400 watt cool tube you will be fine. About a 265cfm fan will do the trick to keep the 400 cool. If you really wanted to have fun with that space you could do a vertical grow in their. That would be a good time. Best of luck man, and congrats on the new pad.


Well-Known Member
i think a 400 would be to hot in there. a 400 is for a 3x3 erea
elfaco you said it was 14 to 15 inches wide but how deep


Active Member
I plan on using cfls for this and having this area split into 2 main areas. One for clones and vegetative and one for flowering. Its about 2 feet deep so plenty of room and I'm going to suck clean air from the higher cabinet and blow filtered air into another higher cabinet. Do you think that a carbon filter will keep it orderless?

Edit: Lovethegreen: The reason this is so stealth is that this isn't exactly my pad if you catch my drift :)


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Active Member
Does everyone agree that this schedule is right. I'm really obsessive when it comes to planning things out. And do you think I could fit 6 mature ready to harvest plants on one shelve. I don't know how much it'll effect growth if I cramp them in too much.


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Well-Known Member
wow way off to me. i germinate seeds in the dark. the pot size is to big for seedlings, and i use 18/6 not 24 hour. the veg nute n/p/k is to strong. forget you saw that.

try this:
1) germinating water in cup in dark as soon as they sprout in to the dirt or what ever you decide to use9 peat pucks for me )

2) i veg in jiffy (cups not clear) for about 2 or 3 weeks then into thier final pot size no bigger than 3 gallon for indoor. the nute shown for veg seems high in nitrogen to me.
a little edit on the seedling 24 hour light till the green starts to show out of the dirt then 18/6


Active Member
The germination is just preference and all ways work nearly the same, this one just requires the least mess.
I don't like repotting because I always mess it up however I will try using 1.5 or 2 gallon pots for the whole thing just to try it out.
The nutes for veg are correct if a little high in nitrogen, but again preference.
The nutes for flowering I've never used but heard that it helped, but I'll probably keep the same nute mix just a little less nitrogen like normal.
For the seedling stage I just say 24/0 when I use more of a 22.5/1.5 because it boosts growth.

But I'm definitely going to try out some of the things you suggested because I'm open to suggestions from anyone more experienced than me.
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Well-Known Member
the reason i sprout seeds in dark is because roots dont like the light. if you start with to big of pots they might stretch first to reach the bottom. then fill out. nutes ya personal preference. any less light than 5 hours dark dosn`t benefit the growth i`m told


Active Member
Ok thanks! I've never had problems with any of this I think. But this should help grow healthier plants. Thanks again.


Active Member
if its your house. crawl into the attic and tap off some power cords that feed your entire house just cut the main breaker get up there with a flash light and install a few outlets off of different breakers so u don't trip one and just run power to your room from the attic. I did and you cant tell that I am growing in my closet the door is sealed with weather striping so its all air tight. I taped off the ac ducts up there too and extract into the attic. room stay above 73 and below 79 so its awesome. no power cords and a great way for cooling it down. :)


Active Member
This house doesn't have an attic. It's just a big flat roof with all the air conditioning stuff and water heaters that has a great view of the city if I do say so myself. And the whole house is solid concrete. And a small setback. The nearest outlet from the closet is about 12 feet away so I'm going to need a really long extension cord.


Active Member
do a lil demo and run power through some walls so you can but some outlets in there. put the dry wall back add some paint and there ya go