Completely starting fresh


Active Member
Hey guys, I've read a lot of information on all of this stuff, and I want to grow my own.

I've never grown before, so I'm a little lost. I only want to do two plants at a time to start off, so what size light should I get? It seems dumb to get a very expensive, huge light for only two plants. Also, I need a strain recommendation. Everyone's tastes are different, but I want an easy-to-grow strain that's pretty strong. One that can fuck someone up.

This is obviously non-commercial, just my own little stash. I would love it if you guys could help without saying RTFA every two seconds.

I just want a list of cheap bundles/kits and links to buy things. I hope you guys understand and won't get too frustrated.


Well-Known Member
hea man i just started growing to i got 5 lil babey bud'ies lol i hear where your comin from cuz most people on here will tell you to go look for realy pricie lights

its super easy just go to the growFAQ on the web site and read lol and if you have any questions or conserns just come to this web page and ask lol

so indoors or out

how maney seeds do you have are the 2 most basic questions


Well-Known Member
10 seeds are what i started out with and i have 5 plants so

that is actualy the coolest thing iv seen for sale together but befor you go off and buy something you should look at it seperet at your local walmart or somthing just to compare prices if your on a budget like me


Active Member
I am on a budget. Anyone who could suggest things would be awesome.

If possible, picking a strain with a pretty good yield would be amazing.


Well-Known Member
some one told me just resontly

"go cheap Grow cheap" so im probly going to start looking around for more "HIGH TECH" stuff


Well-Known Member
well if you're only gonna grow 2 plants i would suggest going with 250w or less. how are you gonna grow? soil or hydro?


Active Member
I'm going to grow it with soil. I am only going to grow two to start out with. The max I'll ever have at one time is 10. And this will be after I know I grow good stuff.


Active Member
It's also worth noting that I don't have a grow "room" or a grow "warehouse".

I have a bathroom, and a small portion of a garage to work with. I might want to be looking at the shorter, bushier plants. And since I'm not selling, I'll want enough so that I can smoke often without a whole lot, or any, surplus. Meaning I don't need a pound of weed coming out every time I look. Maybe 3-6 ounces every 2 months with 5 or so plants and I would be a VERY happy customer. I just want my own garden, not a money-making forest.


Active Member
Alright guys,

For limited space and a budget, what would you recommend?

Nutrients? Light? I don't need a powerful-ass light, 2 plants tops for now.

I really need some guidance, and yes, I have read a lot. I just want to talk with someone one on one.


Active Member
Well, after looking, a lot of people here seem to have a lot of success (for single-person smoking) with CFL lights.

Now all I need is a strain, and a cheap supply list. Any helpers? Preferably an indica. A GOOOOOOOOD one, too :)


Active Member
The price difference between 400 and 600 W is pretty low so I would plan ahead and just go for the 600. But that is just me!


Active Member
The price difference between 400 and 600 W is pretty low so I would plan ahead and just go for the 600. But that is just me!

And are you talking about an HPS here? Remember, I am either growing this in a garage, a closet, or a bathroom/bathtub. I'm not going to be able to have a top of the line ventilation system.

Mr. Bud

Well-Known Member
NEW 400w BOTH HPS+MH GROW LIGHT 400 watt Reflector hood - (eBay item 180163964363 end time Oct-15-07 19:00:00 PDT)

Don't waste your time with CFLs.... IF you drop the $200 total on a light setup like this, you will produce buds that blow away what you will produce with a CFL setup.

honestly, if you're going to spend the money on decent seeds, you need to give them decent light.

Lighting is one of the best investments you'll make.

This $200 light will pay for itself the first time you harvest.


Active Member
Alright, then I'll save up and do it right. The only thing is is that I might have to grow this in a bathtub... not a lot of space... do you think I could fit a light like this in there? Also, I'm not going to have a lot of money for an insane ventilation system.

So let's say I buy that light with some white widow. What else would I need, Señor Bud?

Plus, wouldn't the electric cost on a system like that cost a LOT?


Well-Known Member
Hey Canni,
If you just starting out and don't have a bunch of $$ to spend start with the cfl's or tubes lights 4'. The reason is that you don't have much room to work with and not much vent. for air flow.These don't cause alot of heat and are cheap for elec. Working with seeds is going to be a longer process then with clones.
I have been using 6-26w/100w daylight cfls that I got from walmart (6.50) for two. And it works,I'm not saying it is better then a hps system but it does the job.
This is ok to use for veg but you might want to save up for the 400/600w dig ball hps/mh system. you also want to make sure you have a to move the air. If you have other ?s just ask.