completely forgot when i started flower

yeah, true, sort of, using badly grown weed in extracts leads to lesser grade extracts, but still better than just smoking shitty weed.

Interesting @cannabineer (he does my extracts), I seem to remember it as just producing less but all the concentrates I have are about equal it seems (except for the Turbofan), and I've produced some terrible weed, genetics, growing, drying, curing, you can choose how I've wrecked it. I've been working out the combinatorics of bad growing using the brute force algorithm LOL
Interesting @cannabineer (he does my extracts), I seem to remember it as just producing less but all the concentrates I have are about equal it seems (except for the Turbofan), and I've produced some terrible weed, genetics, growing, drying, curing, you can choose how I've wrecked it. I've been working out the combinatorics of bad growing using the brute force algorithm LOL
My experience is limited (not many runs of lower-grade material) but fans etc. do seem to make for a waxier, tarrier extract. One that has disproportionately much "heavies". Well-trimmed flowers extract nicely to yield a good grade of direct extract.
how does ANYONE take you seriously when you can't even spell or form a sentence?
you make this site unnapileng (unappealing) does it even ban trolls? sorry my spelling and english is not the best. I typed slower and put the words with the red line twice and fixed one with autocorrect.
you can rub(cure) as hard as you want, you just can't polish a turd. BUT, you can take a nice piece of aluminum and polish it out to a nice finish.
wrong. you can polish a turd.
you make this site unnapileng (unappealing) does it even ban trolls? sorry my spelling and english is not the best. I typed slower and put the words with the red line twice and fixed one with autocorrect.
[QUOTE="chuck estevez, post: 11087864, member: 509695"you can rub(cure) as hard as you want, you just can't polish a turd. BUT, you can take a nice piece of aluminum and polish it out to a nice finish.

you post that and tell me I'm unappealing? go rub your turds with someone who cares. lmfao
My experience is limited (not many runs of lower-grade material) but fans etc. do seem to make for a waxier, tarrier extract. One that has disproportionately much "heavies". Well-trimmed flowers extract nicely to yield a good grade of direct extract.

Oops, sorry I was obviously wrong! Thanks for fixing me. I appreciate it.
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something related: Veganic gardening will yield the best tasting weed. Why? The way veganic (derived from only vegetation) nutrients break down, the plant uptakes virtually ALL of it, leaving behind no trace, no extra elements that add up.

the concept of veganics alone helps you realize, that as long as you aren't letting things build up too much in the soil, no matter if you use manure and seaweed, or miracle grow, or even aloe vera and coconut extract, all you need to know is what is going into the soil effects the plant. Growing veganically you can re-use the soil, but using other things like manure even though organic, can lead to bad tastes if you let too much of it accumulate.

This brings me to the points of "Knowing how to grow"
we all agree, it seems, that you can produce a great product using any reasonable fertilizer, such as jacks classic , compared to an organic grower using Kelp, algae , seaweed, fish, whatever, as long as you know what you're doing

knowing what your doing means knowing how what you put in effects the plant. The point i think kush knight was making is that noobs can stick to organics and get great results, because there is less of a chance that things will be overdone. You have the added benefit of microbes being alive (hopefully) and end up with better smoke than a 1st timer would have gotten with chem ferts (if they didn't follow a grow or something to get a baseline of how to do things)

the thing i always recommend for new people, it try following a grow log that turns out good, you can mirror it and by just doing that, you are going to learn MUCH more than cruising around on these forums trying to answer one question at a time. All that knowledge will come with experience, but this site does have a lot to offer when it comes to specific questions.
something related: Veganic gardening will yield the best tasting weed. Why? The way veganic (derived from only vegetation) nutrients break down, the plant uptakes virtually ALL of it, leaving behind no trace, no extra elements that add up.

the concept of veganics alone helps you realize, that as long as you aren't letting things build up too much in the soil, no matter if you use manure and seaweed, or miracle grow, or even aloe vera and coconut extract, all you need to know is what is going into the soil effects the plant. Growing veganically you can re-use the soil, but using other things like manure even though organic, can lead to bad tastes if you let too much of it accumulate.

This brings me to the points of "Knowing how to grow"
we all agree, it seems, that you can produce a great product using any reasonable fertilizer, such as jacks classic , compared to an organic grower using Kelp, algae , seaweed, fish, whatever, as long as you know what you're doing

knowing what your doing means knowing how what you put in effects the plant. The point i think kush knight was making is that noobs can stick to organics and get great results, because there is less of a chance that things will be overdone. You have the added benefit of microbes being alive (hopefully) and end up with better smoke than a 1st timer would have gotten with chem ferts (if they didn't follow a grow or something to get a baseline of how to do things)

the thing i always recommend for new people, it try following a grow log that turns out good, you can mirror it and by just doing that, you are going to learn MUCH more than cruising around on these forums trying to answer one question at a time. All that knowledge will come with experience, but this site does have a lot to offer when it comes to specific questions.
when I first started growing, I found subcools super soil, cooked it up, actually did pretty good, until the last 3-4 weeks when it ran out and I didn't know to add more or even feed the soil. I ended up with sub par bud and sub par yield. I now have a barrel,I throw a couple scoops of jack's in there, some cal/mag occasionally. I feed the little ones the same water I feed the big girls. It isn't much easier than that. And the whole taste debate really comes down to the skills of the grower and the genetics He/she is working with.
I know those top breeders didn't do all that work so I have to perform magic tricks to make it what they envisioned it to be.
something related: Veganic gardening will yield the best tasting weed. Why? The way veganic (derived from only vegetation) nutrients break down, the plant uptakes virtually ALL of it, leaving behind no trace, no extra elements that add up.

the concept of veganics alone helps you realize, that as long as you aren't letting things build up too much in the soil, no matter if you use manure and seaweed, or miracle grow, or even aloe vera and coconut extract, all you need to know is what is going into the soil effects the plant. Growing veganically you can re-use the soil, but using other things like manure even though organic, can lead to bad tastes if you let too much of it accumulate.

This brings me to the points of "Knowing how to grow"
we all agree, it seems, that you can produce a great product using any reasonable fertilizer, such as jacks classic , compared to an organic grower using Kelp, algae , seaweed, fish, whatever, as long as you know what you're doing

knowing what your doing means knowing how what you put in effects the plant. The point i think kush knight was making is that noobs can stick to organics and get great results, because there is less of a chance that things will be overdone. You have the added benefit of microbes being alive (hopefully) and end up with better smoke than a 1st timer would have gotten with chem ferts (if they didn't follow a grow or something to get a baseline of how to do things)

the thing i always recommend for new people, it try following a grow log that turns out good, you can mirror it and by just doing that, you are going to learn MUCH more than cruising around on these forums trying to answer one question at a time. All that knowledge will come with experience, but this site does have a lot to offer when it comes to specific questions.
This was about the only thing useful to me in this thread, thanks. I just started, but I need a break from all this reading. I always thought having the wrong nutrients changes the plant. I kind of thought that a lot of nitrogen forces more leaves to be produced. I know a few people that use a nitrogen heavy fertilizer in their pot-oasis and always have leafy buds. I had it in my head they were related, am I wrong?
An old-school grower-friend told me that the "rate the plant processes occur is representative of the ratio of nutrients absorbed." Was she right? It sounded right.... I don't know laughing-out-loud!
Thanks for the help in advance, could use every little bit of help! I need to make some Rick simpson's oil for my hip and decided to try the herbal scene after years of being slightly anti-cannabis. Irony maybe?
I lost my grow journal and this is my 1st grow so I'm completely lost on when harvest here's a couple pics how long do u all think i have to harvest

Go by the trics. Get a 420 Scope 60-100x LED Handheld Microscope - 20.00 USD Amazon.

Wait for at least 50% cloudy and 50% amber - then wait a little longer - then your ready!
This was about the only thing useful to me in this thread, thanks. I just started, but I need a break from all this reading. I always thought having the wrong nutrients changes the plant. I kind of thought that a lot of nitrogen forces more leaves to be produced. I know a few people that use a nitrogen heavy fertilizer in their pot-oasis and always have leafy buds. I had it in my head they were related, am I wrong?
An old-school grower-friend told me that the "rate the plant processes occur is representative of the ratio of nutrients absorbed." Was she right? It sounded right.... I don't know laughing-out-loud!
Thanks for the help in advance, could use every little bit of help! I need to make some Rick simpson's oil for my hip and decided to try the herbal scene after years of being slightly anti-cannabis. Irony maybe?

Good luck on the growing. I came back to Cannabis after a 35 year hiatus because my somatic pain changed to neuropathic and in medicine we have nothing really effective for neuropathic pain that isn't barbaric.

I feed my flowering plants veg food during their first two weeks of flower to decrease the stretch. As for leafy bud it can also be caused by lack of light. As for your statement that, "as the rate the plant processes occur is representative of the ratio of nutrients absorbed", it's the same with us, we also have an energy cycle directly correlated to our nutrient absorption. However Vegan blah blah has nothing to do with it. Molecules are molecules, how you break them down and feed them to the plant can vary but as long as you provide the plant what it needs it doesn't care WHERE the food comes from. But Vegan does have a nice politically correct ring to it doesn't it LOL.

Anyway good luck with growing, pick a way and try to keep it simple that's the most important part of beginning growing, stay simple add all the flourishes later.

Welcome to RIU, this is what in netiquette terms is known as a thread jacking (although we do it all the time here), you may wish to post your own thread and we'll all jump on and jack your thread LOL, and give you all sorts of welcome and unwelcome advice.