Complete T5 Organic Smart pot grow!!


So this isn't my first grow, actually my third, but I've finally gotten my grow room just the way I like it and need it for maximum efficiency. so the lay out is: currently growing a seed i got from a fantastic bag last year i've cloned about 4 times and it's wonderful, i call it Early Girl, 2 new kush strains Pure Michigan, and Kafe Americano and a few seeds of some of the finest kush I have sampled in the past few months

germination/cloning: occurs under a mondi humidity dome with a seedling warming mat I use a single 2ft. T5 (high output) 24W 4600k for 24hrs.

veg: once seedling/clones have rooted to my liking i put them in 3inch square pots in a mixture of FF planting mix I add Mexican bat guano 10.2.1 , miracle grow organic choice blood meal 12.0.0 and they go into the veg area. It's simply another set of 2ft. T5's a two tube rack I keep it 1 ft. ft from the top of my drip tray, and still a warming mat They still receive 24hrs. of light until they reach 1 ft. (sidenote) along the way I crop, lst, and clone.

My flower room is where all the power is , hanging is two 2ft. T5 racks each with 4 tubes and I have 3 single T5's against the walls for side lighting as well a single 15w cfl. a light is light right. when i go to harvest is the last time i transplant i use the same soil mixture and if i happen to have some banana peels around i throw them in as well, keeping it organic i use roots organic Buddha Bloom for flowering.
My very first grow I used floranova I got super awesome results with my buds bud I also burned my ladies just a little bit plus this time around I just want to keep everything organic and taste the realness of earthy true MJ, no chems no fillers!!

I transplant into 1G smart pots. this is new for me, a few weeks ago I had 6 over 1ft. and a half tall plants half way done flowering in some cheap plastic pots i got from my grow store sorry to say the roots didn't get enough drainage the the ladies all died so this time around I'm sticking with smart pots due to the fact that the one plant that I had in a smart pot didn't show any signs like the ones that died and kept moving right along, so it's a Complete T5 Organic Smart pot grow for me I will keep you updated please tell me what you think and give advice I'm no expert!! keep ya posted


IMG_20110203_035857.jpgthis is how i germinate and cloneIMG_20110203_035946.jpgplain H2O and rapid rooters, roots start to rest in the water after about 3-5 days.IMG_20110131_045157.jpg this is my veg area
IMG_20110130_022016.jpg this is the flowering room
IMG_20110131_045506.jpgthis is my grow roomIMG_20110131_045427.jpgthe sugar frosted tops of My kafe' americano. she smells like like rich deep dark coffee



I've decided to change things up a bit and go directly into 1gal. smart pots so that the roots have more space to grow and spread out. ie.. bigger roots bigger plants and this also eliminates transplant shock. also i started to implement hygrozyme into my grow room and so far the plants seem to really love it



I'm always moving my ladies around. also a shot of the products I currently use. please feel free to comment and leave suggestions.


Well-Known Member
For real, you're not gonna say anything about the ladybugs? I mean, I know they're a beneficial insect and all, but thats a LOT for those little plants, I see 'em geting busy on your, ladybug spooge ;)


Oh excuse me, how could I forget the stars of the show. I like to keep my ladies surrounded by gals sexy yes. Honestly though the lady bugs are awesome lifesavers plus my girl thinks its cute to see them in the house.


This absolutely sucks, my electricity has just went out and this is the time that my flowering room is on. this blows!!


So today is harvest time and the Kafe' Americano is done and ready for the plucking here is a few photo's of before and after. also I recently bought a 125w cfl bulb and have hung it up in my grow area thus far it's showing great promise. enjoy


and a few photos of the grow chamberIMG_20110302_221200.jpgIMG_20110303_000824.jpgIMG_20110303_000647.jpgIMG_20110302_221140.jpgIMG_20110303_000843.jpg


So I ordered a few news seeds a bit ago and they finally showed up today. 1 Barney farms tangerine dream, sour diesel, caramelo, Neville's haze and a freebie seed of power kush. Currently storing all the seeds but popped down the tangerine dream and power kush. Also I switched up the grow just a bit I think I'm going to a more of a sog grow. I moved the veg area to the flower area and visa versa pics coming later today..


After harvesting my first Kafe' Americano, the buds were to say the least extremely lethal, you smoke you choke you sleep just that simple. thank the heavens i made a clone and she is now the new mother and she is fabulous. here's a few photos of a few buds



It's coming along awesomely bro, I've been flowering for, I guess about a week or and shes looking sweet. I will upload a photo in a few hours..


Kafe' Americano is on the back left Purple maroc is on the back right and the pure michigan is in the front right. I've been flowering the back two for about 12-14 days and the pure Michigan just started. IMG_20110422_043406.jpgIMG_20110422_042905.jpgIMG_20110422_042932.jpgIMG_20110422_043003.jpgIMG_20110422_042940.jpgIMG_20110422_043014.jpgIMG_20110422_043505.jpg


Active Member
really good my friend...cant believe you pulled this off so easy with only t5's

i need some help my friend...i got the blood meal too,same same as the only thing i could get around here...
how do you use it? as a tea or do you mix it with the soil ?
what ratio do you use?
thank you my friend


Thanks mate, with the blood meal I don't have a standard ratio. I figure nature doesn't follow one so I just dump a few table spoons into a punch bowl and mix it up then as the ladies grow I sprinkle a tablespoon into the pot. I'm not sure but I have a feeling you can't over do it using organics only. Though I may be extremely wrong.

Happy growing