Complete snap main cola, what to do

Ok I have a plant that today has been through the wars, I woke up and as detailed in another thread it was comletely nute burned so I removed 90% of its leaves, anyway...ILsted the main cola and accidently snapped it, clean off.

Now I have a couple of options,
1. I have currently cut both stems on both parts and taped them back together, will it heal or will it simply not grow now its been totally broken?

2. Dry it and smoke it, its about 5 weeks flowering, not ideal but I am gagging for weed...

3. Clone it, although Im guessing this wont work with just a cola...

If it doesnt grow (the reattached cola i mean not the plant) will the lower buds and other buds below the break that were part of the cola make up for this by growing bigger and effectively replace this loss? Its already been set back due to the loss of leaves so doesnt really matter if this means it will take longer.


Well-Known Member
dry it and smoke it, with all the damage it's received it's too unhealthy to recover a grafting attempt. The side shoots probably won't amount to much but yes they'll get bigger than they would have been if the main cola was intact.


all you can do is dry the main cola and smoke it the rest of the plant will be fine and now te lowwer buds shoul fatten up alot more in the weeks to come


lol dude!!!! is it completely snapped off like your post says, or is it still attached? i think a pic is needed!!!
No it is completely snapped off (as in at one point the cola was in my hand a couple of feet away from the plant lol), but I have reattached it with tape. The stems are touching though and I cut the stems clean on both ends so they fit together.

If this dont turn hermie then I dont know what the fuss about stress is all about coz this plant has been battered today lol
lol, probably wont work but fuck it got nothing to lose right? Fucking hell just yesterday this plant was fucking beautiful thought I was home and dry, now its fucking bald and has no main cola.....


just dry it and smoke it you will still get some nce buds
yeh at least I wont be gagging for a smoke I aint smoked for 2 weeks and Ive been dying to take a sample asap, got any ideas on how to dry it, the buds dont actually look that bad, probably picked up worse before lol


yes just hang it upside down in a dark and cool place. since its premature it wont be soo dense and dry faster. i wouldnt bother tryna cure it if u need weed that bad but keep in mind it may not taste the best. it shold still give u a buzz though
Is there any way to get it to taste like actual bud? Is it possible to cure 5 week old bud so its tastes OK? Or will it always taste like shit coz its immature? I mean if I dry it and cure it for a bit in a glass jar will it taste like it smells, coz it smells nice....


Well-Known Member
Is there any way to get it to taste like actual bud? Is it possible to cure 5 week old bud so its tastes OK? Or will it always taste like shit coz its immature? I mean if I dry it and cure it for a bit in a glass jar will it taste like it smells, coz it smells nice....
if you didn't fertilize the crap out of it when it was growing then it should be reasonable.
Dont have one and Im not gonna make the lightbulb thing, I reckon water curing is a good call, shame could been a real nice bud in a coupe weeks, I dont get these people who prefer to water cure in normal circumstances though to reduce the flavour, to me the taste is just as good as the high.


Well-Known Member
You're the guy who burned his plant so bad that every leave died and fell off in a matter of hours, right? Dude, you're torturing your babies!! Poor things have been thru a lot this weekend. With the damage already done, you'd have been lucky for that plant to live anyways. Hang it and smoke'll be a pretty weak, heady high though.

You need a time release lock that only lets you go in that room every 4 days to water!