Complete Newbie, First Grow with bagseed (Help is welcome!)


Active Member
Hello everyone! This is my first grow ever, Ive been learning a lot on these forums, but help is always welcome!

I'm using the Styrofoam design my intake fan is on the bottom front, and the other is on the top side.

So far I germinated my seeds on 02/26/10 and planted them two days ago. Nothing has sprouted yet. I put them under my lights because I'm not sure if I'm supposed to wait till they sprout of if its okay to just put them in there already..? I have 6 biodegradable pots in there, one seed in each. The temp with the fans on low is at 77 F... but last night dropped to 60 F, so I'm not sure if that good... but that was with the fans off so I'm not exactly sure if i should have turned the heater on or what.

Also he lights that I'm using are 23 watt with a light output of 1600 lumens.. I'm thinking about going to walmart and getting another one in there, and if it gets too hot I'm just going to turn my fans up because they are on low setting right now.

The fans I'm using are computer fans, the intake is a little stronger than the one on top, and I took the LED lights out of both. the RPM of the smaller one on low is 1500, but you can turn it up to 2600.. the CFM is 20 on low, and goes to 34, and the dBA is 18, and then goes up to 30.

I feel like I've done a pretty good amount of general research, there's still some specifics I'm trying to learn.

How long does it usually take for seeds that have been germinated to sprout? I would love to hear any other help and/or suggestions ! :-)


Active Member
I know.. I've already started making a duplicate box so I can move 3 to the other one, and leave 3 in this one.. would that be good?


Well-Known Member
Well I would just put as many as I can in there. I work on a basis of minimum 100w a plant. in a small box you may get away with less though.


Active Member
Good to know, thanks :)
I bought a lot so I'm gonna try to fit 2-3 more in there, hopefully it will fit and not get too hot.

le' rukkus

Well-Known Member
could be 2 days to 2 weeks, jus depends on the conditions i believe.

keep the seedlings warm if you can, like if you have a little heatpad (used for sore limbs etc) you could place that under the box


Active Member
So I came home from work and just 5 hours after I last checked on my seeds, two broke the surface! I am so excited, I can barely wait. Here's some pictures of the box, I put two more lights in there before I went to work, so maybe that's what did the trick. Now I've got 5 lights in there 1600 lumens each, my fans are on medium right now. The temp last time I checked was 80 F and humidity was 40% Hope those are good numbers for where I am right now. Also, I have a timer on all the lights, its at 18/6 right now. :)


Active Member
So I woke up this morning and I can see all my little seedlings sprouting just above the soil. They haven't all stood up straight but I'm so happy, that didn't take long at all. My only problem is that I started germinating the seeds before I started thoroughly researching... and so I germinated about 20 seeds.. and they all germinated..
I know, newbie mistake. But now I have 20 seeds in little biodegradable pots and I know I can only put around 4-6 in my cooler, and probably take even more out when they get bigger. I have a small yard and was thinking about just putting them out there for now till I can figure out which are male and female? Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
So I woke up this morning and I can see all my little seedlings sprouting just above the soil. They haven't all stood up straight but I'm so happy, that didn't take long at all. My only problem is that I started germinating the seeds before I started thoroughly researching... and so I germinated about 20 seeds.. and they all germinated..
I know, newbie mistake. But now I have 20 seeds in little biodegradable pots and I know I can only put around 4-6 in my cooler, and probably take even more out when they get bigger. I have a small yard and was thinking about just putting them out there for now till I can figure out which are male and female? Any suggestions?
If you put the spares in your backyard, make sure you use pots. For two reasons, firstly so you can move the females back inside for flowering easily, and secondly so you can move them to hide them if someone is coming over.

In the past I've been tempted to put plants straight into the ground when I grow them in the yard so they get a good root system, but I did it once, then I had the inlaws come over unexpectedly one day so I had to rip the plant out before they got there :(


Active Member
Oh man :( that sucks..
Good to know. But the only thing is, I have small holes and cracks in some points of my fence. What if my neighbors get curious? I don't know if I'd want to risk that.. What do you think If I just made another replica of my box that I have now.. or something else I can fit them all in..?


Active Member
I came home from work and almost every seed is sprouted now. I have a lot in my container but I just made a second styro-box, so I'm planning on moving them in a bit when I get some pots. The only thing is.. I'm afraid they are looking too stringy. I'm gonna post some pics, but hopefully when I put them into bigger pots they will be closer to the light, so that should fix it.


Well-Known Member
:cry: i dont know if they look to stringy..

Na thats how they look wen they first sprout, you should look for some 42w CFLs
Kroger had them by me for like $9, they put out like 4000 lumens rather that the 1600 of the 23w:bigjoint:

I got some pics of my cfls in my journal, i switched to a hps tho. check it out!