comparision coolhood vs reflector

Yes I have used both and can tell you that the cool tube has hot spots..on the sides and directly under the lamp will be more intense than the rest. A tube may be better for a small grow space to help control heat but there will be areas that get hotter/more light than others. With a reflective type of hood the light is more evenly distributed throughout the footprint. A reflective hood may be better for a wider footprint which could potentially equate to higher yield.
Yields will not be all that much different with either type of hood. Yields are mostly set by the wattage you are putting on them. The manner in which you train out the plants has a major impact on yields but you won’t see that much of a difference doing a side by side given plants trained the same.
I run a sealed room (or as sealed as I can get it) with vented lights coming from another room (fans outside grow room) and although I can’t give you an exact temp drop.... I can touch the tube with a 1000 in it and not burn my fingers. They have great coverage and I think the savings from not running
my AC pays for itself. I also don’t believe my yields suffer. Kinda hard to see but there is a cool tube with an XL reflector
I run a sealed room (or as sealed as I can get it) with vented lights coming from another room (fans outside grow room) and although I can’t give you an exact temp drop.... I can touch the tube with a 1000 in it and not burn my fingers. They have great coverage and I think the savings from not running
my AC pays for itself. I also don’t believe my yields suffer. Kinda hard to see but there is a cool tube with an XL reflector
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Wow nice man thank you