Comparative Grow – Seedstockers | The Vault

Team Vault

Well-Known Member

The Vault Cannabis Seeds Store is back for another comparative grow this time in partnership with Seedstockers! We know it’s been a while since we did a comparative so Seedstockers have very kindly offered to do a 2 in 1 and will have BOTH fems and autos available for you to choose from in this comparative grow!

Thanks, Seedstockers, you rock!

How to enter the Comparative Grow / Entry Conditions

This Comparative Grow is only open to genuine, active forum members. Only members with profiles older than 2 months, with 50+ likes and with more than 100 comments/messages will be eligible to enter.

Additionally, participants will not be considered unless they have completed at least one decent quality grow diary!

To participate in the Comparative Grow you MUST post pictures and comments to the Comparative threads located at Grasscity, Roll It Up or Percys – failure to do so will rule you out of any future Comparative Grows.

Make sure to specify your forum name, your username, and your preference Fems or Autos in the Comments section at the end of the checkout on the website, for example: “George – The Vault, GrassCity, Fems”. Failure to provide the correct information may mean you miss out so make sure you do this properly.

Visit this page to read the rules and enter - Comparative Grow: from Seedstockers at The Vault

Thanks, everybody, I look forward to seeing your diaries on this thread!

*Please note this thread will be checked by us sporadically so if you have any important questions about the comparative please email [email protected]
** Entries will be checked weekly on a Friday

- thanks again, #TeamVault
How is it I am always half way through a grow when The Vault comparatives happen, i do it every time!

I was undecided on getting a fruity type auto or a gorilla glue auto when i bought my last lot of seeds from you guys, and i went for the gorillas...there is no way i am missing out on this one.

I will grow in my really small seedling cabinet until i can use my main cabinet. I did exactly the same with the Cinderella Jack on the last comparative. Micro grow it is again!

Signed up just now. Thank you The Vault and Seedstockers.

*edit - got a ‘thank you for your order’ email and it turns out the comments section or the email bit doesn’t like apostrophies - i came as “It’️s not oregano” I didn’t type that in as I’ve just had to google how to get the ™️ bit!! :roll:
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Wow. I filled my form in mid Friday afternoon and the package was delivered to my drop off address yesterday (monday) morning. I know I say this every time but that is fantastic service from The Vault. Thank you, they will be going into a pot later today.
I'm usually around the same time as you mate starting our grows.Hope your doing well through these crazy times..The vaults awesome I've never had any dud seeds from them and every auto I've tried has been successful.Always a few freebies on any orders. Top guys who do a great job in the community.
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Oh yeah baby! Another great comparative! Thanks @Gary Seeds and The Vault. I think I've been a part of all of these comparatives and it's always good fun and a good group of folks. Looking forward to all the cool pics and info. Happy growing y'all!
I did everything that was said to do but accidently chose bank transfer. Should i do it again but choose cash this time?
Dropped her in a glas of warm water and seaweed extract on Tues night for a couple of hours, then dropped her straight into a pot. Kept her in an airing cupboard and she popped out on saturday morning. Here she is in her home for the next 6-7 weeks while my main cabinet is in use.
Cabinet is 18"w x 15" deep x 24" high under a hlg qb132 running at minimum output - about 25w.
Got a 40w tube heater in there so temps are about 21c in a garage that is about 7c. Extraction is off for time being to help keep temps up. Only just put her in so ignore reading on thermometer.
