Compact CFL 'Stealth' Build using stuff lying around

Howdy folks,

I will be attempting my first grow and out of respect for my roommate I am trying to keep it as discrete is possible (though ultimately he is bound to know about it, I don't want to drive him crazy with it since he is a non-smoker). Meaning... Computer Case Grow!

Also, Feel free to comment or suggest anything, short of "It will never work, don't try, your stupid" I welcome any suggestions! The purpose of this is to document as well as possible and get feedback so anybody else in my situation can see if its something they want to do :D

The Challenge: For under $150 total (seeds, lights, equipment, everything) grow '1' plant in a confined area (the budget is not a real limitation, I really don't have a budget to speak of, but my goal is to do everything possible with existing materials (call it a personal challenge))

So, the case materials:

1x Modified Phoenix Neo Computer case (roughly 17" high x 20"w x 8" deep) of usable space.
3x bulb holders and 1x splitter (2 in 1) left over from another project (known by my friends as as 'The HEF')
1x 42 watt Cool White CFL (will go vertically next to the plant mounted at the base to the right) (2,850 lumens, 4100k)
1x 23 watt Cool White CFL (Will be one of 3 mounted at the top (1,600 lumens 4,100k)) (think a -> shape with the bulbs)
1x 23 watt Daylight CFL (Will be mounted in the middle at the top (or the - in the above example) (1,500 lumens, 6,500k)
1x 23 watt Soft White CFL (The other side of the V at the top) (1,600 lumens, 2,700k)
1x 42 watt Unknown CFL (Optional) Mounted vertically accross from the other vertical bulb (2,850 lumens, unknown k)
The phoenix Neo has a large fan on the side (will be screened in for obvious reasons) however that will act as the intake (will also provide a bit of movement))
The top fan will be one of 2 exhausts in order to remove the heat from the top lights
The Bottom Right fan (filter removed) will act as the second exhaust to remove the heat from the 42 watt bulb
(Total expense on all items above = $18 )

The Daylight bulb will be replaced with an additional Soft White during flowering (possibly the large bulb as well).

Height is a HUGE issue here, however if absolutely necessary (to be determined at the time of flowering, I have the option to move it to a significantly larger room with double the lighting, however I really, really (did I mention REALLY) want to avoid this for personal reasons)

Here are the seeds I am considering, I would love some recommendations on what to try first, I am leaning towards the Green o Matic as they seem to fit the bill as far as height goes and durability.

I want something autoflowering since getting the area 100% dark would be a challenge and I also need something that flowers quickly due to the size. Any recommendations must also be femenized since I am only growing 1 at a time I need to be sure its a female. Smell is also a concern, it can't be super potent (though I realize growing weed makes it smell like weed, I would like to limit that to a thoughtful amount since some people around me do not smoke). I have a carbon filter that will be next to one of the exhausts, however due to location the exhaust can not be piped directly outside.

Green o Matic Seeds - I think these are probably the best choice for this,(12"-15" at harvest), thoughts?

My first choice (but is actually in second choice because it might not be possible due to height) would be Bubblelicious

And some other choices:
Pineapple Express

Dutch Passion Pollar

The seed will have to be in a somewhat shallower than desired dirt (probably only 3" - 4" max) deepth, however it will be 7" wide by about 10-12" long (the remaining 8" to be used by the vertical light (will use 4" however it is possible for 1 on each side if its needed) (which is only about5" high so it leaves some room for flowering).

The Top light assembly I am constructing will take just under 3" away from the vertical height (so subtract 6.5" from height for soil and lights) leaving a total vertical area of about 10.5" or roughly 26.5cm which is very short(even the smallest plants need about 30-40cm. Knowing this fact, I believe I will try to place a screen (to be installed at the time it is needed) .5" - 1" below the light (so 5-10cm) to handle the extra 5-15cm of excess growth (Is this viable? If no response, we will have to wait and see :D)

I've done some initial case work, however I will upload pictures tomorrow when it is closer to being completed (everything is being documented) and will upload some pictures. I still need to hunt down a reflective material, chrome tape, and a used power cord so I can do some splicing :D

Wish me luck!

Also, I should note at this stage, I am in planning / construction mode, I am moving on the 17th to a different state so I hope to order seeds soon and have them arrive and start working with them around the 20th at my other residence.
As promised (I would not want to be a liar) here are some pics (its still far from done but it is a journal after all, is it not? :D)

The case as it came out of storage

This is the inside of the case (I had already removed the rear fan before deciding to take the picture). For perspective, the ledge at the top where the PSU normally rests is 3.5" from the top of the case (the lights will (should if I mount em right) end 1/2" above this point)

This is the case as it currently sits, I will be priming it then painting it a flat white with a latex paint.

Will be making a post soon in the other part of the forums asking about what I have a chance of growing here, and some tips on shaping it (there is a fair amount of width just not depth or height).

You can see by looking at the side fan of the case it would be difficult for 100% darkness here (as that is the main air intake) which is another reason I am wanting auto flowering seeds as 95-98% darkness is the best I will be able to do. The rear fan mount you see in the last picture (near the PSU mount) will be a vent and so will the one you see on the front in the first picture. The one on the side (big one) on the first picture will be set for an intake (Don't worry, its adjustable so it won't be a hurricane unless I want it to be).

Oh, and if you are wondering why the cables are still there, people have seen me working on it and asked me about it, so I plan on leaving them there as long as possible so I can keep claiming that I am working on a 'Case Modification'

Finally, I picked up more supplies today
1x additional flat bottomed light mount ($3.00)
1x pack of adhesive ring mounts ($3.00)
1x can aluminum primer ($8.00)
1x tin flat white latex paint ($5.00)
1x latex brush ($7.00)
1x power cord for lights ($0.00)

For a total so far of $44

I am also going to budget seeds in now, I am planning on picking up 5 feminine auto seeds (not sure what kind yet), so we will assume $50 on that.

For a total of $94 so far. (going to be cutting it really close! :D)

All I am missing from a construction standpoint now is a AC to 12v DC adapter (need up to 1A) for the fans, and some poultry netting (which comes into play in a month or so) which I will be checking for tomorrow at work (the adapter), if not I will unfortunately have to order one (adapter) for $14...

Will be priming tomorrow during my lunch break, so more pictures should be in tomorrow night! (Will also hopefully be ordering seeds tomorrow). Expect this journal to continue being updated for the next few days then stop all together for like a week. I will have everything constructed and I will be packing to move (and waiting for the new seeds to be sent to my new location).
More for myself but some lower odor strains (very important) seem to be

Blue Mystic (Unfortunately this is a somewhat tall plant)

Auto #1

Should probably also invest in some Ona

I think I may settle on a mid height plant with a slightly longer flowering period after all if I can find an auto flowering low odor one, with a little creativity I might be able to do LST for height control due to the almost 2' width of the box

Edit* I've decided to go with the Blue Mystic due to its relatively neutral odors and will try to be somewhat aggressive with LST for its own good when the time comes.

Here is a picture of the case nice and clean (it's taped off)

Now we got primer up in this bitch!

This will be the last foreseeable post for the next 4 days, the next update will be with paint, the one after that will probably be a week later when I install the lights, exhaust, etc. Then a couple days after that I finally get to actually start some growing :D

Finally, I ordered seeds today, I ordered 2x Auto Blue Mystics (in case I mess one up) for my first attempt
A Northern Lights seed for the next attempt
and I am getting a free "Industrial Plant" which unfortunately as it stands I can't grow since its not an auto (well that and its very tall).

Total cost (shipped with something to munch on :D *) was $45 usd, so $5 less than expected for an updated total of $89.

*I have a strong batch of Green Dragon (750 mL of 151) I am currently making (about two weeks in, I like to give it a couple weeks) and it will be finished about the time the seeds get here, and I can celebrate with a smoke and a 'drink'. It already has some nice kick :D.

Just going to leave this here for notes
Ok, so here is an update, the paint is done (will upload pictures later tonight) and the seeds are now in the US (not sure if it cleared customs or not yet, but it made it across the pond). I will be moving Friday, meaning in the next 2 or 3 days (when I know for sure the seeds cleared customs) I will be setting up the lighting, and buy the dirt and tin the dirt will be in. I will also start the germination process using natural light (If I can, there is a ravenous dog who lives with me who likes to eat EVERYTHING (including tin) so I would not rule out a plant.

I also did a reduction on the Green dragon and will do another tomorrow to which will effectively reduce the volume by 50% (it's about a shot to fuck you up as it stands so a 50% reduction will make it only need a few tablespoons (important when it tastes like shit)

Also, on advice, changing Ona Block to Ona Gel


Active Member
You can always look into some small strains.. Like Mataro blue, Kannabia special,etc that grow around 40-50cm when fully done. just get a scrog in their to keep height down. and with the case you might only be able to get the 2 big bulbs, or 4-5 normal size 23w's , 6500k veg, 2700k flower

the 2 42w's will be able to do almost 3000lumens each, the 4-5 23w, 1600 each ( 4 running at 6400 lumens)
Seeds came in today, am going to finish setting up the lighting tonight, I should know for sure what fits by then. Tomorrow I will head out and construct the soil container and pick up the soil and start germination.
Assembled the rest of the case today, yesterday I had put the seed in a shot glass of water and kept it in a dark place for 24 hours. I went to plant it today and it had already sprouted underwater. I went to plant it and ended up loosing it in the dirt. I may have already killed it before I even started, however I'll give it two or three days to see what happens, but the suspense is killing me. Running a test of the temperatures of the case and light right now (ambient is 78f and the case temp is currently 79f after half an hour of the lights on, so this is promising. Other than that, I should be set. Tomorrow I am going to replace the 4.1k lights with 5k lights. I only have one light left to install if it looks like its needed, I don't want to overheat it and my AC is not on for another day or two and at night its already pushing 80 and I don't want to risk it.

Picture will come once it hopefully sprouts, if it does not sprout (break dirt) by Wednesday night I will assume I killed (it should only be 1/4"-1/3" deep, but who knows, I dun goofed) it and will start soaking a new seed and plant it Thursday night, paying attention not to loose it :D
First signs of survival are showing, no leaves or anything yet, but I can see through a crack in the dirt a spec of green, which means I have both located it and not yet killed it :D

Watered it with a spray bottle today, once I know its going to survive (or once there is something to take a picture of, I will post one.

Temperature is steady at 83-84f even with the AC, I will really have to keep an eye on that temperature as it is higher than I think it should be. I am going to see what happens if I don't add in the other light as I think it may push the temps over the top. If I see it break the 90f mark I will be replacing the 42w with a smaller 23w cfl at 5k. There is a fair amount of circulation, however since the air in the room (and the room attached to it IE: Mine) is frequently above 80f there is not much I can do (The grow lights for my aquarium really do not help the heat matter in any form)

It currently is
1x 23w cfl at 6.5k
1x 23w cfl at 5k
1x 42 watt at 4.1k

For total lumens around 6,000 lumens.
Going to bed to a not so nice surprise, one of the lights came undone and fell directly on top of it, while remaining on. Who know for how long, it could have been hours, hope it survives, really kicking myself right now.
This plant is a trooper. Going to bed again tonight and I check on it. Guess what, the light fell on it AGAIN... Not sure how this is happening. The cup fell over this time, spilling a large amount of dirt and messing up the roots and everything. I really hope it survives, this time I fixed the lights to the physical case so it could not possibly fall again, at the expense of allowing light to leak. If it survives, the light leak should not be a problem since it is an auto seed, however the falling lights are really pissing me off, they were literally wrapped to the case, it should not have fallen, yet it did, a second time. If it dies I am going to be quite upset. As of now, it looks like the initial light fall did not do any damage, however the little sprout was essentially re-planted tonight after being knocked out of the dirt. It's less than 1/2" tall, which could be devastating at that size. Here is hoping it is hearty.

I went ahead and gave it an extra misting tonight, since I usually water in the morning, we'll see how its doing tomorrow. This bad luck is not good though, and I hope my fortunes change.


Well-Known Member
I'm in a similar process, with slightly larger box and have 2 small computer fans going to extract hot air, with passive intake on bottom.....along with a smaller fan inside box to circulate and my temps are still through the roof....if your going to go enclosed route, vents, fans , vents, fans and more fans!! Very hard to keep temps down!!! Just my 2Cents!
Well as stated in previous entry's the light fell on it twice, and despite showing definite sines of burning (I attribute it to the light falling on it since the closest CFL is about 6-7" away from the top) it seems to still be alive, and showing signs of recovery, two days or so ago it took a turn for the worse but it seems to have grown a bit last night and the one (mostly) good leaf continued to grow, so here's to hoping it continues to improve. Here's a picture as well, I can't just post what goes right, and hopefully this sad picture can serve as a reminder to always pay attention to how you attach your lights.

Normally I would have just started over, but I am on a tight deadline and don't have time to start again properly.

Alrighty, long story short I restarted a couple weeks ago, (about a month after I gave up on the previous one) something about a light falling on the plant multiple times made it unhappy. I am still using the same case, however it is now in the open with much more airflow (temp constant around 81 now). I've added another light (around 6000 lumens of 5k-6.5k light and about 1k lumens of 2600k (will reverse that for flowering)). I killed the first one by a combination of poor case construction and underwattering. Both problems have been fixed. Like I said in the last post I really don't have time to grow this one however, so I am hoping for the best. Next week I leave for a week (should be fine), then am back for two, then gone for 3 more (I can keep it watered for 2 weeks away so it will be interesting). It's just a bag seed (though it smokes very well) I found 2 in half an oz of some nice purple stuff. Really want it to be a female but if its not it won't be the end of the world, I have some nice auto/fem seeds to start when I get back, I just wanted to make sure everything is set. What I will probably do is even though this one is still quite small, I will probably put it on 12/12 in a couple days, then when I get back from the first week I should be able to tell if its male or not, then after the three week break It should only be a couple weeks from completion. It's that or just trash it :/ which I really don't want to do. If it ends up being female I'll probably try from some cuttings before the three week break just in case.


It's been a while since my last post, however here is an update. It still needs about 3 more weeks to fully finish flowering, however a problem once again arises. I will be leaving for 3 weeks soon (not really a problem, I can keep it happy for that time) However the problem comes in with the inspection that's going to take place at my apartment. So I need to harvest it in about 8-10 days at the latest (It can dry in a safe place, but theirs no way the grow case would get past the inspection all lit up). This is truly unfortunate, as it won't be even close to ready, will probably all go into a batch of brownies or something when I get back.

Anyway, here is a picture of it, It looks quite happy :D

When I get back and have a few weeks, I plan on starting a Bubblelicious , Quick One, and a Northern LightsIMAG0421_cleaned.jpg
I've made some revisions the last couple weeks, and even with adding an extra bulb in there, the temperatures have dropped a bit. It now runs between 68f - 82f depending on the time of day, but does not go above that (which is the temperature of my room, can't really go below that either).

Thanks for the tip though!
Had to harvest it a couple weeks ago (about 3 weeks before It was ready) because my place was getting inspected =(. Fortunately it still turned out to be a nice smoke, but it was quite different than what I expected, it was super heady and energetic, not at all the heavy hitting lethargic feel of the strain when its fully developed It was very interesting.

Anyway, Starting a second grow, it's using the same case with the modifications mentioned in the previous post, temperatures should be in the same range as well, probably wont go over 83.

This time around I am trying a Royal Queen "Quick One" I don't expect much from it other than it should be done quite quickly which is what I need before I move in a few months.

Seed sown two days ago, since It's autoflowering I have it on 24x7 lighting starting today.

It's already about 3-4" tall, hope the size does not become an issue lol