Commercial vs HomeGrown


Well-Known Member
So about a 3 months ago i had got about an 1/8 of white widow for the first time, since i have always heard about it but never smoked it. Good high, i was pretty sold, but not to the extent that i always read about on this forum. They also had some clones for sale from the very same crop that they "sold" to me. So i planted and flowered them, in organic soil, using organic nutes and worm poop. First hit, boom, like a goddamn Kenworth truck. Holy Shit.

So i guess it just goes back to homegrown is better than commercial. But why is that, because from i can see in the local clinic, they have HD lights and pots just like me, so what is the difference?


Active Member
I don't know this for sure, but I figure commercially grown stuff is harvested,dried, bagged up sold.... then re-weighed, Then jarred, Then whole process repeated, So During all its travels I'm assuming it loses its potency from trichomes breaking off in bag or ppl touching it and handling it.... But that is just my insight as They do all run Large High Watt rooms so you would figure its of equal potency/quality....:confused:


Well-Known Member
I guess that is probably true, if they gave me a batch that come from the friendly hills of Mexico. I guess the local population probably are shaking their hands as they are working with it, because a cartel goon has his ak-47 pointed at his back while he is harvesting. However, this particular clinic grows on site, in the area where u choose your weed, they have a glass window so u can see inside their grow room. So it doesnt exchange too many hands.


Well-Known Member
there are a number of things that could play into this. but it mostly sounds like you harvested later than they did. thus giving you that little extra couch lock kick and flavor. also some plant strains will have a higher thc level if grown in soil than hydro and vice versa. and furthermore you could have gotten a lower bud on a 4-5 foot plant which could explain the lack of potency

just keep growing it though! at least there genetics werent fucked up. like alot of dispensaries


Well-Known Member
I think it all has to do with attention on detail. Home growers usually grow a few plants and much easier to focus and tweak to the plants preference. Your babying your plants to perfection. Commercial growers don't have the time to baby a bunch of plants.


Well-Known Member
Some Commercial growers know what they`re doing,..some add weight with misting !!

Some home growers have a Green Thumb,..some don`t know sh*t !!

Then there`s me !!

Big Earth mover got me this year but I`ll back that up next !!
Id agree with damaged trichs. Many commercial growers use bud trimmers and they roll the buds around to trim anything that sticks through a screen. Id imagine that damages a bunch of trichs. Then they vacuum seal and ship it and the crushing of the vacuum damages more trichs. Then its bagged and weighed many times, more damage. And I disagree with harvesting early most commercial growers seem to harvest late for extra weight and density but the trichome percentage is on the upper end of amber. With less potency and more of a sleepy buzz. At least thats what I seem to notice with the commerc I can get my hands on. Always rock solid slightly to wet and full of amber trichs. Every once and a while you get a good batch but its only every once in a while I even see commercial any more. Funny how all those commercial guys come to me for their head stash :blsmoke:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If it came from a dispensary I am surprised as that's not really commercial grade as commercial grade is almost always going to be a non named strain of sativa grown in fields based on its production weight and not power. It usually is just planted and given basic care. then harvested early. dried in bulk then compressed. Sounds more like you just got poor quality buds since commercially white widow would be an oddity for mass commercial grows. Those who grow for self and smaller batches tend to pay more attention and care for their own grows along with better nutes and better cures.


Well-Known Member
If it came from a dispensary I am surprised as that's not really commercial grade as commercial grade is almost always going to be a non named strain of sativa grown in fields based on its production weight and not power. It usually is just planted and given basic care. then harvested early. dried in bulk then compressed. Sounds more like you just got poor quality buds since commercially white widow would be an oddity for mass commercial grows. Those who grow for self and smaller batches tend to pay more attention and care for their own grows along with better nutes and better cures.

What do you mean a non-named Sativa? Cause every dispensary i have went to has a name on the strain.....are you said they just throw some random seeds in the field and dont care about what strain it is?