Commercial air pump


Well-Known Member
I have one, the 950 gph one.. Depends what surface it is on, mine is on a wooden table lol.. it makes a good amount of noise due to the vibration.. If on a good surface & it is solid in place.. no louder than a fish air pump. =/ with a little more kick behind it.. Mine will easily move on tables if not held in place w/ heavy objects. Then again it worked amazing in my oxyponic Dwc setup.

not something you would want running 24/7 in your room closet.


Active Member
Hmm, thanks. I have a tent in my bathroom which is attached to my room but obviously has a door that stays closed, plus the pump would be inside the tent, on top of a t-shirt or something. My pump now doesn't get too hot there, maybe this one would, I dunno. I just don't want something that is going to bother me, lol. My comfort > all. It would have to run all the time, it would be for multiple air stones.


Well-Known Member
these pumps are between 45-65dB depending on size of pump u have. Also if ur after silent air pump i would defo say go for the super silent cased range. i also find that this pump is less noisy when fully loaded with airstones and with a 2m breather pipe where it draws the air in as u can see from the pic....



Active Member
these pumps are between 45-65dB depending on size of pump u have. Also if ur after silent air pump i would defo say go for the super silent cased range. i also find that this pump is less noisy when fully loaded with airstones and with a 2m breather pipe where it draws the air in as u can see from the pic....
Nice, solid input! I think I'm going to go ahead and order one. I got one from the pet store and I just don't feel like it's getting an adequate amount of air to my roots! :D Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
Nice, solid input! I think I'm going to go ahead and order one. I got one from the pet store and I just don't feel like it's getting an adequate amount of air to my roots! :D Thanks for the reply.
hi there virulient i have tryed the Diaphragm air pumps and found when the roots rap round the airstone the Diaphragm would pop and i would have to get a new Diaphragm. In the end i got myself aco 318 and i never have a problem but now i have 2 Diaphragm air pumps sittin down jus incase anything goes wrong. I will say these piston air pumps are more reliable than any pump out there my one gives me 70ltrs air a min 4200ltrs an hour....


Active Member
these pumps are between 45-65dB depending on size of pump u have. Also if ur after silent air pump i would defo say go for the super silent cased range. i also find that this pump is less noisy when fully loaded with airstones and with a 2m breather pipe where it draws the air in as u can see from the pic....
i just picked this one up, going to run 6 10" air stones off it. should work out pretty well. glad its out in my shop and not in my house! haha


Well-Known Member
i just picked this one up, going to run 6 10" air stones off it. should work out pretty well. glad its out in my shop and not in my house! haha

hi there i have tryed diffrent airstones and found that the best ones r Elite Aqua Fizzzz Airstone defo would see betta bubbles with this 1....


Active Member
For my UC grow I purchased a 185w 180lpm air pump to power 9 airstones, In the mean time I used it for my veg totes till I received the General Hydroponics Dual Diaphragm pumps I ordered. I've now been running the GH air pumps for 10 days and I can say I'll be replacing the 185w pump with 9 GH air pump 1 per tote. The reason is the "duel diaphragm!"... It's way more efficient!.... It's rated at 20lpm at 8w!!!..WOW!!!....Thats over twice as efficient than my commercial pump. Another advantage is "HEAT"... My large Comercial pump gets so hot it needs a separate fan to cool it off (more cash) also it rises the temps in my Rez. The GH? cool to the touch!.. but the best thing of all is the "Quiet" when I walk into my veg room now, It's so Zen!
The Gh air pumps are not cheep but well worth the money, for something that I need to run 24/7 I figure it's worth spending a few extra bucks to save a few bucks in the long run with electricity bills, Hell!... it might even pay for itself!

I just did some rough math on the power consumption between my two air pumps.
The commercial pump using 185w per hour producing 180Lpm will use:

at $.15/w that = $239.85/year to run

The General Hydroponics Duel Diaphragm air pump @ 8w/hour/pump x 9 air pumps producing 180Lpm will use:

@ $.15/w that = $93.45/year to run

That's a savings of $146.40 per year

If the GH air pump costs $50/pump x 9= $450 The commercial pump cost me $150, price difference is $300. After running the pump 2 years it pays for the difference in cost and anything after that is pure money in my pocket. I'm also not taking into account the added cost of running a fan to cool off my large pump as well.
Happy growing

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I use two of these pumps:

A #5 for the air stones....and a #3 for the drip rings...At times they are fairly loud....I haven't done it yet,....I think if I mount them on some thick hard wood it would help...

These have been running for over a year and no problems...knock on wood....

