Comments or Suggestions for My First 200 Watt CFL grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping in whoever is stopping in, LOL. Tomorrow around 5 or 6 o'clock I'll be posting some 2 week old pictures! They're still pretty darned small, but it looks like leaf formation is really picking up and they're both at about 3 leaf sets? But that's just coming from the newbie here haha. Only one of the sour diesel seeds has sprouted so far, and its seed is on the leaf area, hopefully the leaves will break through the shell soon! More on the picture update tomorrow! Stay up everyone!


lord is rite I'm using DVDs and books to get em up there also I had heat problems with mylar so if the walls white your good..I would suggest transplant asap mine got that big with no stretch and started to droop I transplant and there back to boomn ..good luck I'm sub keep us updated


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping in whoever is stopping in, LOL. Tomorrow around 5 or 6 o'clock I'll be posting some 2 week old pictures! They're still pretty darned small, but it looks like leaf formation is really picking up and they're both at about 3 leaf sets? But that's just coming from the newbie here haha. Only one of the sour diesel seeds has sprouted so far, and its seed is on the leaf area, hopefully the leaves will break through the shell soon! More on the picture update tomorrow! Stay up everyone!
can't wait to see your little babies :)


Well-Known Member
IMG_0049.jpgIMG_0050.jpgIMG_0051.jpgIMG_0052.jpgIMG_0053.jpgIMG_0054.jpgIMG_0055.jpgHey everyone! Thanks for stopping in! Thought I'd post a 2 week update! :lol:. Uhhh, anyways haha these little guys got knocked out of their cups a little bit ago and the Acid actually had a little bit of what looked like leaf burning along the very edge of the front area of the leaf? I assumed it was from shock. I actually just introduced the liquid karma into their diet in a very low dose and have been working out of a gallon water bottle. These are the only two nutes I will be using in the grow. I am just using these veg nutes until the little ladies look happy again. Any help would be appreciated guys! Hoping to start flowering in a week or two! I just switched the light cycle to 20/4 from 24 hrs of light for the last week or two to let the girls get used to sleeping a lil bit. Any idea on how to get the upward growth started? Any estimates on how tall they'll be in a week? any advice helpful. I am givin them water one day and then diluted liquid karma the next on and off and only watering one red solo cup a day. I figure since I am watering so little at a time, it doesn't hurt to go every day. Do they look happy??? :?::?::?: I'm freakin out. This is my first grow hahaha, just want them to be happy! Peace Everyone!!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
looks good..remember its a weed also more ppl kill plants with love than neglect..good luck:bigjoint:
Sooooo true ;) and thank for the rep balla! Your babies are lookin GREAT! Make sure you keep em nice and close so you don't get too much stretching ;) I'm not familiar with your nutes but I'm sure as long as you take it easy they will LOVE it. The upward growth will really grow at it's own rate....just keep showin them love and they will love you in return ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Just got back from my buddy's place. I gave both the plants a neem oil bath, just to be safe. The girls are lookin' soooo happy w/ this new 20/4 light timer on now8-). It looks like leaf development has increased tenfold. I think I may have found my favorite light period for veg :lol:. I may take some pics tomorrow and post em up. If all goes well, I'd like to start flowering these sometime next week or maybe in a week and a half. Thanks for stoppin' in! Stay up everyone!!


Well-Known Member
IMG_0061.jpgIMG_0062.jpgIMG_0063.jpgIMG_0066.jpgIMG_0067.jpg Hey guys, like I said, they are staying pretty short. They are developing well, though and the second set of leaves per branch are finally starting to sprout out like I tried to show in the third pic. Any suggestions/tips welcome! I'm trying to start flowering at 3 1/2 or 4 weeks and they are already almost at 3. How big will they get do you think? They are not very tall, but maybe they will be bushy? Acid seems reaally happy. Those first three pics are Acid, the last two are the strawberry haze. Thanks for the help! Stay lifted!!!:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Looks great .They really take off when you start to flower them.
double to triple in height on average is what i would say.
some people will top or fim at the 4-5 node to get it to grow shorter and bushier.
you should look in to topping, fimming, LSTing and decide what options work for you.
best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
Do you think that would really help the yield at all? I have pretty small 3g pots and I don't know how much it takes to put that much bud through flowering, the only thing is that I'm not vegging for too much longer. If I fimmed or topped them right before starting flowering, would they still develop new colas? Or is fimming only viable when you are vegging for a long time?


Active Member
Do you think that would really help the yield at all? I have pretty small 3g pots and I don't know how much it takes to put that much bud through flowering, the only thing is that I'm not vegging for too much longer. If I fimmed or topped them right before starting flowering, would they still develop new colas? Or is fimming only viable when you are vegging for a long time?
I chose to FIM and LST.
Its almost ready to harvest. its 14" tall
I also have a clone off the same plant that I put into flower (almost 3 weeks in) at about 6 " that was never topped or 21 "
though the tall one isnt as far along you can see the growth difference between the techniques.
And another clone off the same plant that I topped and LSTed the day I put it into flower. (3 days)
(though its suggested to do it 1-2 weeks before you flower) I took this 22 inch plant down to 10 inches and I cut off only 3 leaves.

hope that helps give you an Idea of options for you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kronnix! + rep I'm not sure if we have enough space to fim it on both of mine. We have more room for upward growth than we do for outward growth, I think. I was going to just go au naturale, but I might try topping it in a week or so. Is it pretty easy to manage? It is my first grow ever and I mostly just don't want to go f*$k somethin up ya know? hahaha Cuz your Fimmed one looks like a monster!!! Looks like a much larger yielder though? Have you compared any of your untouched plants yields to your topped or fimmed ones? Thanks again everyone!


Active Member
Thanks Kronnix! + rep I'm not sure if we have enough space to fim it on both of mine. We have more room for upward growth than we do for outward growth, I think. I was going to just go au naturale, but I might try topping it in a week or so. Is it pretty easy to manage? It is my first grow ever and I mostly just don't want to go f*$k somethin up ya know? hahaha Cuz your Fimmed one looks like a monster!!! Looks like a much larger yielder though? Have you compared any of your untouched plants yields to your topped or fimmed ones? Thanks again everyone!
Not as of yet my experiment is still in progress. (first grow for me) my signature has my grow.
So far I would say the LST increased my (fun)work and yield..
but I still dont know how fat the single cola is gonna get yet ... hehe
With your first grow I suggest working within your comfort zone.
get your quality down right .. your quantities can always be adjusted.
I read a lot of peoples stuff on RIU . theres a lot of good information kicking around


Well-Known Member
IMG_0097.jpgIMG_0098.jpgIMG_0099.jpgIMG_0100.jpgIMG_0101.jpgIMG_0102.jpg Hey guys! Sorry no posts for a bit! IVE been BUSY with some cop stuff and also forgot about the rollitup fat delete sesh they had. Here are some pics of the beautiful girlies. A few spider mite issues but we just bought a sprayer for the bottom of the plants w neem oil. They are smelling DANK!!!:hump: Thanks for looking whoever still is!


Well-Known Member
Look at how much they've grown!!! They look beautiful balla :) So much for staying short huh....the one on the far! She's a BEAST!


Well-Known Member
Thanks calicatt! And I know, that plant got seriously tall seriously fast! But that is my buddy's mako haze and it actually grew into the light reflector and got burned at the top, so I don't know if it will even produce a main cola. :cry: But good news is that the other three plants are really coming along and it looks like Acid is going to be the biggest yielder! So many full nuggeys! I've never grown before so I'm having troubles envisioning what a nug of any one of these strains will actually look like. But I'm stoked!!! They've got about another month. They seem about right? I am going to not flush at the last two weeks and just water the top of each pot a minimal amount once a day with distilled water to clear the chemicals from the soil. Anybody tried this vs. flushing? I heard flushing causes bud rot...But could just be a rumour Thanks!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm sure ur buddy's mako will be fine..."tis but a flesh wound" lol! I'd say your about right thinking another month. They always tell you when they are ready....those white calyxs turn red or brown and curl up inside the ladybuds. They have a way of just "looking" ripe. That's KEY is waiting until they are nice and RIPE
I think your flushing idea sounds good Once again....everything looks GREAT!!! congrats



Well-Known Member
Hey people!
Does anybody have any theories as to trimming fan leaves is good or bad? I feel like I should probably trim a few of them, but I know that they store necessary nutrients for the plant and I don't know whether the light or those nutrients are more important :idea:. I hope I get a decent yield on these little guys! We'll see! Stay smokin'!:joint:

P.S. Thanks calicatt! I think she'll be alright too! Acid's got a few different colored hairs now! I think she's starting to turn! I'll post more pics for ya when I see some more hairs start turnin' colors! :peace: