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Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Hey Sam...

Are talking about growing or politics?..
oh . . .is the title of the thread no longer relevant . . .. . my bad

and my first crop was great too . . . .but no where near the quality of my tenth crop or the first crop of the first person i taught .. . . . perfection is an illusion

and most of us learn from what we do as well as what we dont do

aka progress

got to be able to see the trees from the forest


Active Member
EDIT: I believe I heard the other day that the US is the only industrialized nation whose prescription medications have increased over the years, instead of decreased..Big Pharma is a scoundrel and one THE major reasons why weed is not legal..

Once everyone has been on this after 24 months..I'd like to take a poll and see who would like to give it up?

Remember Social Security??????? Want to give that up???? the 'Pubs fought as hard as they did and I can't find ONE who want to give it up..

the ACA also closes up the "donut hole" with medicare part d which is a BIG bone of contention with seniors..
i would give up SS today if it meant i could start putting that $ into my retirement instead of someone else's.


New Member
They said the same thing about Social security, medicare and unemployment insurance as well
Take it from a 55 year old Caucasian male born and raised in Canada. YOU DON"T WANT CONTROLLED HEALTH CARE. Its is a disaster to the system and I wish I had another option. Our system is trashed. Walk away if you can

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
actually the term is mandatory deduction..
So at least part of what YOU earn, is not yours to decide how it will be used. Taken from you under threat of force.

In the instance of a complete slave, none of their productivity is theirs to decide how to disposition... 100% is "mandatory deducted" In the circumstance of a partial slave, a part of their labor is "mandatory deducted" . A matter of degrees.

Take a similar scenario and replace your earnings, with control over your own body. When a person is prohibited from exercising control over their own body, to the extent they are controlled they are not free. Policies that prevent 100% ownership of YOUR own body, are slave policies, again, a matter of degrees.


Well-Known Member
So at least part of what YOU earn, is not yours to decide how it will be used. Taken from you under threat of force.

In the instance of a complete slave, none of their productivity is theirs to decide how to disposition... 100% is "mandatory deducted" In the circumstance of a partial slave, a part of their labor is "mandatory deducted" . A matter of degrees.

Take a similar scenario and replace your earnings, with control over your own body. When a person is prohibited from exercising control over their own body, to the extent they are controlled they are not free. Policies that prevent 100% ownership of YOUR own body, are slave policies, again, a matter of degrees.
we vote to elect those to office to represent us..perhaps you can bring these talking point up at your next town hall meeting?


Well-Known Member
Take it from a 55 year old Caucasian male born and raised in Canada. YOU DON"T WANT CONTROLLED HEALTH CARE. Its is a disaster to the system and I wish I had another option. Our system is trashed. Walk away if you can
[h=2]Private sector[edit source | edit][/h]About 27.6% of Canadians' health care is paid for through the private sector. This mostly goes towards services not covered or partially covered by Medicare, such as prescription drugs, dentistry and optometry. Some 75% of Canadians have some form of supplementary private health insurance; many of them receive it through their employers.[SUP][38][/SUP] There are also large private entities that can buy priority access to medical services in Canada, such as WCB in BC.
The Canadian system is for the most part publicly funded, yet most of the services are provided by private enterprises. Most doctors do not receive an annual salary, but receive a fee per visit or service.[SUP][2][/SUP] According to Dr. Albert Schumacher, former president of the Canadian Medical Association, an estimated 75 percent of Canadian health care services are delivered privately, but funded publicly.
"Frontline practitioners whether they're GPs or specialists by and large are not salaried. They're small hardware stores. Same thing with labs and radiology clinics ...The situation we are seeing now are more services around not being funded publicly but people having to pay for them, or their insurance companies. We have sort of a passive privatization."[SUP][2][/SUP]
"Although there are laws prohibiting or curtailing private health care in some provinces, they can be changed", according to a report in the New England Journal of Medicine.[SUP][39][/SUP][SUP][40][/SUP] In June 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in Chaoulli v. Quebec (Attorney General) that Quebec's prohibition against private health insurance for medically necessary services laws violated the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, potentially opening the door to much more private sector participation in the health system. Justices Beverley McLachlin, Jack Major, Michel Bastarache and Marie Deschamps found for the majority. "Access to a waiting list is not access to health care", wrote Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin.
The Quebec and federal governments asked the high court to suspend its ruling for 18 months. Less than two months after its initial ruling, the court agreed to suspend its decision for 12 months, retroactive to June 9, 2005.[SUP][41][/SUP]
[h=2]Physicians and medical organization[edit source | edit][/h]

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
we vote to elect those to office to represent us..perhaps you can bring these talking point up at your next town hall meeting?

The freedom of choosing WHO will fuck you over and HOW MUCH it should be, misses the point. The third and most important option of, "no thank you, I'm not going to participate" has to be present. Otherwise, voting merely perpetuates the back and forth tug of war of the ring of power.


Well-Known Member
The freedom of choosing WHO will fuck you over and HOW MUCH it should be, misses the point. The third and most important option of, "no thank you, I'm not going to participate" has to be present. Otherwise, voting merely perpetuates the back and forth tug of war of the ring of power.

NO matter how wordy you get

YOu are still a leech on society.

So back on topic

What do you do for a living and if you hate it here so much how come you havent moved?


Well-Known Member
The freedom of choosing WHO will fuck you over and HOW MUCH it should be, misses the point. The third and most important option of, "no thank you, I'm not going to participate" has to be present. Otherwise, voting merely perpetuates the back and forth tug of war of the ring of power.
you will have that can opt will just pay a penalty..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
NO matter how wordy you get

YOu are still a leech on society.

So back on topic

What do you do for a living and if you hate it here so much how come you havent moved?
To make a living, one nearly stay alive. To make an honest living, one needs to be honest in their dealings with others and respect their freedom of peaceful self determination.
The things you support show little regard for others wishes. Why are you so selfish?

I move freely all the time. My only limitations are my built in respect for other people's justly acquired property and the real and present danger that the kinds of people you support might try to inhibit my self determination and right to travel.

Hate it ? No way, I love the varying physical landscapes in 'Merica....don't care much for the people that have mindsets like you though.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you will have that can opt will just pay a penalty..
That's pretty doubtful. You see people like you assume that ALL actions of the master must be obeyed. People like me, not so much. How come you obey threats of violence so much?