
I never said when they were released. I was talking about his entire testimony being released as part of his PRIVATE NOTES the same way that the other material was released.

Neither one is a crime of any kind and neither one is subject to any sort of sanction at all. That was the damn point.

Smoke another one, dude :roll:
My point is simply this: Everything he released was his. They were his notes. His personal papers. He can do whatever he wants with him. He can not be charged in any way, shape or form for anything he's done. It is all perfectly legal.

You people make it sound over and over again as if he stole some secret papers from the FBI and then published those papers illegally.

That is not the case. At all. It never has been.

That is the entire point.

So, your default assumption is that some people have the right to use offensive force, and that the person being subjected to it...blah, blah, dumbassed blah

Pal, I made a post about public education and you're still on with this stupid shit that has nothing at all to do with anything I posted. What's more, You've changed the subject twice already in two posts and you're bringing it up over and over again in a thread that it has no business being brought up in.

This removes all doubt of how completely moronic, uneducated and ridiculous you are.

Congratulations! You've made the ignore list. (FYI - that takes some serious doing. You're only the 2nd person that's ever made it.)
My point is simply this: Everything he released was his. They were his notes. His personal papers. He can do whatever he wants with him. He can not be charged in any way, shape or form for anything he's done. It is all perfectly legal.

You people make it sound over and over again as if he stole some secret papers from the FBI and then published those papers illegally.

That is not the case. At all. It never has been.

That is the entire point.

Pal, I made a post about public education and you're still on with this stupid shit that has nothing at all to do with anything I posted. What's more, You've changed the subject twice already in two posts and you're bringing it up over and over again in a thread that it has no business being brought up in.

This removes all doubt of how completely moronic, uneducated and ridiculous you are.
Wonder wat it would be like to debate a unicorn
Pal, I made a post about public education and you're still on with this stupid shit that has nothing at all to do with anything I posted. What's more, You've changed the subject twice already in two posts and you're bringing it up over and over again in a thread that it has no business being brought up in.

This removes all doubt of how completely moronic, uneducated and ridiculous you are.

Claiming the moral high ground while also advocating for things which rely on the use of offensive force as a means indicates your philosophy is based in a contradiction.

I think you are irritated because you are unable to defend your premise and the more I point that out simply and concisely the more irritable you become.

You quoted my post and offered a few platitudes mixed in with self riteous liberal bullshit and tossed in a couple of personal insults. I asked you two simple questions which confused you and now you want to be left alone.

If your philosophy is so good, and I'm so dense why can't you answer a couple of questions about it and school me with your amazing intellect?
Claiming the moral high ground while also advocating for things which rely on the use of offensive force as a means indicates your philosophy is based in a contradiction.

I think you are irritated because you are unable to defend your premise and the more I point that out simply and concisely the more irritable you become.

You quoted my post and offered a few platitudes mixed in with self riteous liberal bullshit and tossed in a couple of personal insults. I asked you two simple questions which confused you and now you want to be left alone.

If your philosophy is so good, and I'm so dense why can't you answer a couple of questions about it and school me with your amazing intellect?
Yer the ape that ate the mushroom mckenna talked about.
Remember when all the was just fake news, and the trump campaign had no contacts , and nothing to do with Russia?

More importantly, Why isn't Trump more concerned with the election attack and infiltration of foreign agents into his administration, hmmm?

Because he is already aware or he wishes to save his and Flynn's skin only, or both.

That lack of query is more damming than the query themselves.

Trump is having another lie session at 2:45EST today..this should be good.
'You better hope there are no tapes' is what's been told to Trump to keep him compromised and in line.

This is why he used that threat..he's not a smart man..speech pattern limited..wants to contain Comey after he impulsively fired him to keep him quiet because Trump knew Trumps intentions. They were nefarious. Why the threat didn't work? Because those 'tapes' (if they existed) would show this. Trump needed something to throw out there..he doesn't think things through..Russia is consuming him, all he can think about..after all Trump fell in line didn't he? If it worked for Pootie?..Trump thinks he's Russian Mafioso.

Trump is the biggest lizard brain going..literally..he has no thoughts..he's a burnout coke head with money. That was Russia's word track.

Ewwwwwwwww, now Lewandowski and Mascowitz are the only the grazing cow are left- I need a shower.
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What really cracks me up the most about Trump is how wantonly stupid he is. I mean, he tells everybody what he did without realizing it.

News: Trump leaked classified information to Russian officials in the oval office.
Trump: I didn't say ANYTHING about our agents operating the in the middle east!!!

Yea, dumbass. Now we know what you told them.

Comey: We're investigating Russian interference with the election and any connections to that.
Trump: I didn't have any dealings with the Russians and I never did anything with Russian hookers!!!

Yeah this is the same guy who thought people who called him Barack Hussein Obama were racist. And no one leading up to his first election could use his middle name without the brand of a racist. That is until he put his hand on the Quran. Then it was OK to use his middle name. Good riddance!

You know you are living in a different decade, don't you?

Nobody talks about Obama anymore..nobody talks about Clinton anymore.
Way to blatantly lie since what June you all have been saying Trump and Putin are best buddies and they give each other hand jobs in the oval offices closet. So it is finally proven untrue and now you are trying to deny you believed it lol. Time to move out of mommies basement.

Oval Office? That was lapdogs..Lavrov and Kislyak. Pootie was busy with another shirtless photo shoot:lol:


Russians are all bloated, pasty fucks.
Is that what you took out of Comey saying "I can't get into that in the open public" about 5 times to every senator

No, he's referring to the 'vindication'.

Trumps cult believes that if Trump isn't being investigated this PROVES he never met Putin.

Incidentally, Trump believes the vindication means he's free and clear- it doesn't, and he doesn't understand this..doesn't understand that just because you aren't now, you won't be later. Trumps reasoning is if you announce to America he's not being investigated it'll be hard to take the statement back in his lizard brain. That's why he was so anxious for Comey to announce it.
The reason why you rarely see footage of Kushner talking is because he's afraid of lip readers and that it could be used against him.

More than happy though, to hide in a trunk and be snuck into the Russian Embassy to have completely secure line back to Motherland.

Get those firing squad guns oiled!
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No, he's referring to the 'vindication'.

Trumps cult believes that if Trump isn't being investigated this PROVES he never met Putin.

Incidentally, Trump believes the vindication means he's free and clear- it doesn't, and he doesn't understand this..doesn't understand that just because you aren't now, you won't be later. Trumps reasoning is if you announce to America he's not being investigated it'll be hard to take the statement back in his lizard brain. That's why he was so anxious for Comey to announce it.
You really think Trump believes that? His supporters might. But he knows he's only going downhill until the end