
Yes or no, fucktard. Do it, pussy.

If you had the mental acuity to be able to read and comprehend any of my posts, you might have seen that I already answered the question and now I'm just fucking with Poopy Pants.

The answer is forced segregation instituted by government harms people because it removes their individual choices. Forced integration is harmful for the EXACT same reason, which is why I oppose both.
If you had the mental acuity to be able to read and comprehend any of my posts, you might have seen that I already answered the question and now I'm just fucking with Poopy Pants.

The answer is forced segregation instituted by government harms people because it removes their individual choices. Forced integration is harmful for the EXACT same reason, which is why I oppose both.

'Yes' or 'no' does not require a couple of paragraphs, tard. Answer the fucking question, pussy.
If you had the mental acuity to be able to read and comprehend any of my posts, you might have seen that I already answered the question and now I'm just fucking with Poopy Pants.

The answer is forced segregation instituted by government harms people because it removes their individual choices. Forced integration is harmful for the EXACT same reason, which is why I oppose both.
"Forced integration" is what racists say.
If a person who has characteristics that we don't like says something accurate, does our dislike for them somehow make their accurate statement inaccurate?
Trying to add credibility to racism is what racists do.

You and Schuylaar should get married and go live in the mountains far from all those "coloreds" you both hate.
Trying to add credibility to racism is what racists do.

You and Schuylaar should get married and go live in the mountains far from all those "coloreds" you both hate.

Except I'm not trying to add credibility to racism, never have. I think it's based in ignorance.

I'm saying that even a racist has the right to chose how he will use his own body and his own property, but not that of others.

You're a little slow sometimes aren't you?

Schuylaar? Probably not the best match for either of us, although I'm sure she's stunningly beautiful in her own unique way.
Good gawd, you are a stupid motherfucker. A simple 'yes' or 'no' question has been posed to you. Answer it, pussy. A reply that does not include a 'yes' or 'no' to this question will be taken as acknowledgement from you that you are in fact, a cowardly pussy.

Oh, that. Thanks for clarifying. Yes, Uncle Buck's question was a loaded question and designed to herd my answer without any qualifiers. A tactic of a poor debater who wants to cherry pick in order to bolster a weak argument.

Black people and white people and Chinese people etc. who wished to associate and were forcibly prevented from doing so, were definitely harmed. Why you didn't infer that from my awesome and well thought responses seems more an indictment of your sloth like intellect than my stubbornness against being herded into a false dichotomy loaded question.
Oh, that. Thanks for clarifying. Yes, Uncle Buck's question was a loaded question and designed to herd my answer without any qualifiers. A tactic of a poor debater who wants to cherry pick in order to bolster a weak argument.

Black people and white people and Chinese people etc. who wished to associate and were forcibly prevented from doing so, were definitely harmed. Why you didn't infer that from my awesome and well thought responses seems more an indictment of your sloth like intellect than my stubbornness against being herded into a false dichotomy loaded question.

As compared to the debater who asks the same annoying question because he's not happy with answers he receives.

You are Trump, Rob.
Oh, that. Thanks for clarifying. Yes, Uncle Buck's question was a loaded question and designed to herd my answer without any qualifiers. A tactic of a poor debater who wants to cherry pick in order to bolster a weak argument.

Black people and white people and Chinese people etc. who wished to associate and were forcibly prevented from doing so, were definitely harmed. Why you didn't infer that from my awesome and well thought responses seems more an indictment of your sloth like intellect than my stubbornness against being herded into a false dichotomy loaded question.
What are you going to do now?

Loretta Lynch, the former attorney general under Barack Obama, pressured former FBI Director James Comey to downplay the Clinton email server investigation and only refer to it as a “matter,” Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Comey said that when he asked Lynch if she was going to authorize him to confirm the existence of the Clinton email investigation, her answer was, “Yes, but don’t call it that. Call it a matter.” When Comey asked why, he said, Lynch wouldn’t give him an explanation. “Just call it a matter,” she said.

Comey added later that he was concerned about that direction as it was false. He was further concerned because it aligned with the Clinton campaign’s spin on the investigation.


But guess what I still think he's a waste and should have been fired. Even if he did blow holes in all BS the libs have been focused on. Everything they speculated he would say to support their BS claims he disputed! Shouldn't that be the end of this clown now? Let the fool go away far far away.

Yes please, the only "fool" that needs to go away is that orange piece of shit liar in chief. A fucking email server doesn't come close to the crimes and lies that motherfucker in the WH has performed... over and over and over. Oh yeah....

Yes please, the only "fool" that needs to go away is that orange piece of shit liar in chief. A fucking email server doesn't come close to the crimes and lies that motherfucker in the WH has performed... over and over and over. Oh yeah....


pewterturd is a Russian national. Ignore him. He's fake news.
Trying to add credibility to racism is what racists do.

You and Schuylaar should get married and go live in the mountains far from all those "coloreds" you both hate.'re talking about me while I'm not here to defend myself and what you claim is my quote, is NOT has done the damage..because the retards here can't figure out that it's something YOU CLAIM I've said.

I'm putting an end to it here and now. You either come up with citation of your allegations or your ass is going be reported to the FCC. I cannot be any clearer.

This includes you too, @UncleBuck.
Last edited:'re talking about me while I'm not here to defend myself and what you claim is my quote, is NOT has done the damage..because the retards here can't figure out that it's something YOU CLAIM I've said.

I'm putting an end to it here and now. You either come up with citation of your allegations or your ass is going be reported to the FCC. I cannot be any clearer.

This includes you too, @UncleBuck.

"not here to defend yourself"?

The "FCC"?

You need to change your meds. Seriously.

Wait until they start calling your work.