Come on Dudes ,Show your age.The first Cannabis you Smoked

Never got to Shelly's, did helter-skelter, Donny warehouse, Vibealite, Obsession, Fantasia.
Good days, good drugs, happy vibes.
What work did you do?
yea did a few of them byo ,great days that was the start of the modern day rave seen ,Magube who was on mic for top buzz was one of the first to do that english style cockney chatting that all youths listen too now loved it ,Amnesia was good too,62 steps to insanity.Not one person was ever angry inthose place,really great feeling to em every fucker was too busy hugging to fight.It killed football violence that scene not the police it was e's that killed that scene loved that too.Still love my stone Island stuff to this day and the gazel trainers reebok classics
Last time i did it was around that time ,shit i could not cope with that now.You would find me in a warbrobe somewhere shaking lol

yea did a few of them byo ,great days that was the start of the modern day rave seen ,Magube who was on mic for top buzz was one of the first to do that english style cockney chatting that all youths listen too now loved it ,Amnesia was good too,62 steps to insanity.Not one person was ever angry inthose place,really great feeling to em every fucker was too busy hugging to fight.It killed football violence that scene not the police it was e's that killed that scene loved that too.Still love my stone Island stuff to this day and the gazel trainers reebok classics
Yeah mate the whole scene got a bit dark after 93, still got a flyers and other stuff from them days.
Couldn't beat 2 blacks and a bubble in the early days. I always remember the bananenergy gig with the bottle of poison.
Bingo that!

4 way, 8 way......Went to go get some...Dude gave me a whole and I was to get a half.
The ride home. The manhole covers were green crowns and once home my bathroom wallpaper was tin soldiers..The fuckers gathered together and attacked me.
My sister heard the rukus upstairs and came to see what was going on. She ended up sitting up with me.. Oh she was MAD at Brian for that one...
ya that was real lsd, everything was moving lol i have not seen real lsd since late 70s that's when the dots came out its funny all the dots were the same but most people liked one color over the other.used to get those 75 cents each on a 5k order any color I wanted lol
By the time i got out most of my mates was bang at gear and coke,Lost so many friends to that shit
Never had the privilege of a royal holiday lol, but saw most of my mates go down that spiral, a lot of them are pushing daisies.
ya that was real lsd, everything was moving lol i have not seen real lsd since late 70s that's when the dots came out its funny all the dots were the same but most people liked one color over the other.used to get those 75 cents each on a 5k order any color I wanted lol


Um, ah, There is still HIGH quality crystal LSD around here.
Generally made into liquid and dosed out on Smarties, Cubes or made into blotter....
A friend doing this will keep a "special" one aside as he does the dosing of the smarties and cubes.
If the phone rings or someone comes to the door ... He wipes the little dropper on that one....He gives those to me...
Drop it and 15 min later. You start to take off, hard......
Not like a taking a single and waiting 45 min....
The first time with any type of good weed was back in February of 1977. The oldest son of the owner of the gas station that I was working at that night handed my a couple of joints at 6:00 when he left for the day and told me to enjoy. Had no idea what they were at the time. It was a cold evening that night which meant the place wasn't going to be too busy from that point till closing.

Ergo, I lit the first one. I smoked the whole thing and soon after, I remember feeling like I was standing on top of the large lights that illuminated the gas pumps. It felt like I was looking 20 feet down on the people - yet I knew that I was standing on the ground while talking to them. No panic or paranoia - it just felt like I was in two places at the same time. Still felt a great buzz several hours later and slept like a log that night.

He told me the next day that the stuff was Acapulco Gold.
Someone mentioned the Blue Maui
Used to get that by the case of #10 (6) the day. Maui Flake Coconut labeled...
They came with a pack of rolling papers in them. From a local head shop.
This stuff was grown by a "church" that used weed as it's sacrament.
Called the # on the papers for shits and giggles once... It was a church member.....
Got hooked up to them from my brother and sister..
Sold 8th's for $50 back then...Couldn't get it fast enough.
say around 73 or 74, maybe 75....

The Thai stick's, the real one's, the big fat ones that weighed about a zip...That was insane shit too!

Little one's came on later, not bad but, not the same - Lowland Laotian mostly. The big one's were Highland Thai.....
Window panes were around in the late 80's early 90's.knew a guy who got completely fucked up off of those,got naked and did full swim dives into pavement.