Combo Question about smell removal - Plant Odor AND Cigarette Odor from neighbors


Hi all, i've been searching the threads for my question but haven't quite found the answer i'm looking for. My situation is this: I'm in a Condo and I want a small 2-4 medicinal plant grow and i'll at least at first be using a 400 watt mh/hps setup in a closet. Later on i'd like to get a more stealthy setup in an armoire I have. In the area where the grows would be, a powerful stench from a guy who rolls pipe tobacco in papers and chain smokes, leaks through our adjoining wall. I want to eliminate as much plant smell as possible and if possible to completely eliminate the tobacco stench at the same time. Since I might do a closet first then go to a more stealthy cabinet, is there an all around thing I can use to eliminate the odors? The closet area is about 2ft deep, 5 ft 10" tall, 6ft long. The armoire for future grow is about 2 ft deep, 3 1/2 ft tall and 4 foot wide. I'd be needing a new light setup i'm guessing for the armoire cab space for heat issues, either cfls or LED. If I decide to go with the armoire setup later on, is there a system that could remove the smell outside in the room instead of vented out of the armoire so could I get something now that could work for the closet grow now and then later the cab setup? Maybe something that sits in the room and removes the smells rather than built into a cabinet and vented out? There's a window I can open for fresh air and i'm loaded with large fans. If possible i'd like to keep the price below 3 bills. Even better if it was under 2 bills. I want to get growing but this is one aspect I can't figure out! Thanks for helpin'!


Active Member
try ONA gel its supposed to be good and its what i plan on using when my plants get bigger. if you have the money space etc get a carbon filter.. but you will have to vent to use one. happy odour busting!


Thanks for the tip, i've got an ONA block on the way in the mail any day now. But i'm kind of looking for something to fresh the air because the cig smoke is making us sick, so i'm also looking to eliminate the smoke molecules themselves if possible. I was wondering if they make carbon filters that stand up like an air purifier does. I was going to also make the fan bucket thing with the ona block to spread fresh smell around the whole condo. I am such a noob that all the info I read on Carbon filters and Ozone generators just make me more confused.. :D