Colorado Red Card Holder: Can I have 6 or 12 plants at a time?

Amendment 20 says I can have 6 plants (3 mature) and 64 says I can have 6 also (three mature). Does that mean if I have a card that I can have 12 plants (6 flowering) at a time? Thanks. I have listed myself as my own caregiver on my last renewal application.


Well-Known Member
if I remember correctly they don't stack?


I recommend never putting a caregiver down when getting your app in. I would explain but just my two cents. Wait till you decide yourself (even if you already want to yourself beforehand-) after your year registration is enacted

but in theory can't you just become a member at a dispensary and still grow at home under amend 64? I mean, you want medical still but 'that good store should handle that aspect' while you do your rec grow at home.
if I remember correctly they don't stack?


I recommend never putting a caregiver down when getting your app in. I would explain but just my two cents. Wait till you decide yourself (even if you already want to yourself beforehand-) after your year registration is enacted

but in theory can't you just become a member at a dispensary and still grow at home under amend 64? I mean, you want medical still but 'that good store should handle that aspect' while you do your rec grow at home.
My buddy says they stack, but he's definitely no lawyer. Yes you can be be a member and grow 6 at home, but I was wondering if it is legal to grow 12 if you have card.


Well-Known Member
Amendment 20 says I can have 6 plants (3 mature) and 64 says I can have 6 also (three mature). Does that mean if I have a card that I can have 12 plants (6 flowering) at a time? Thanks. I have listed myself as my own caregiver on my last renewal application.
64 doesnt say you can have 6 also, it says you can have 6 period. You're adding your own words and strange logic to this. The police and courts would say if you have 6 under one law why would you need another 6?


New Member
Read the law with your own eyes and than you will realize that they do "stack". It clearly states that the new state recreational laws are in no way to interfere with the medicinal laws. So yes you can grow 12 if you have a red card and are over the age of 21. 6 would be for medical use and 6 would be for recreational use. They are 2 separate amendments that are not to be entangled. Go talk to your attorney or your local law enforcement, bring the amendments with you and clearly read over these with them. It will become clear quite fast that you can, does that mean you should? That's up to you. Personally 6 is all I need and 12 would be too much of a hassle. Plants are a lot of work. Its not illegal to ask, that's what I did and got all the answers needed. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
There could be another add on to this thread, about weight.

A64 says you can possess 1 ounce, but it also says you can keep your entire harvest , talk about confliction.

Say you have 3 plants, all are scrogged tree bushes, all yield 8 ounces per plant, now you possess 24 ounces.

My thoughts would be your OK as long as when you travel somewhere outside your house, you possess no more than 1 ounce.

I don't see no DA trying to prosecute a marijuana case now unless there is private unregulated selling going on or someone is growing well over the limit. There were a lot of CO county DA offices that took a lot of marijuana cases they were scheduled to try and trashed them the week after A64 passed. I just don't see any DA trying to prosecute a CO resident growing 12 plants on some type of technicality gray area of legal-limbo. As for El Paso County in the CO Springs area, now those conservative assholes might, but as for the rest of the state in my opinion I don;t see it happening.Any CO cop now would be thinking about their job security for attempting to make an arrest on someone growing a few plants over the limit and I don't see any CO cop making an arrest on someone who is growing 12 plants that is claiming 6 recreational and 6 medical.

This is just my opinion, best way to get a certain answer is call someone like Rob Corry.


Well-Known Member
Was just in to renew at relaxed clarity , the dude that has worked there the past 3 years says stack them but then there seems to be conflicting things in the two laws which I'm sure complicates things for them to make busts and more than likely gets them the fuck in trouble (such as larimer county having to pay a guy $5k a plant in a lawsuit).
I for one am sure glad the people of Colorado don't put up with bullshit and also passed 64. Cali should have done it when they had a chance and we'd probably be rolling along a bit smoother.


New Member
I'm not from Co, but I was a criminal justice major in college with hopes to be a defense attorney one day, but decided against it after having to do another 4 years of school. Anyways, from what I read, there are two descriptions or classes, recreational or medical, one or the other, not both. I would expect the laws to coincide with medical aspects for those that have the card and the recreational aspect for those that don' can read into any law the way you want to, but claiming ignorance to the law is no excuse in the eyes of the court.