Colorado Med Growers, Unite

Mile High,

I'd love to see the whole plant count thing done away with, but right now we're kind of stuck with it. I keep doing the math and it's just barely possible to set up a perpetual grow to supply yourself with 2 oz every other week, but there is no room for cloning or mother plants, no room for any plant producing more(or less) then 2 oz, and no margin for error if a plant dies or has an early/late harvest. If we have to have a stupid plant count limit the least they could do is set it high enough so that you have some margin for error in your grow and take into account the fact that you can't force a plant to only yield a specific amount.
no lets just put at a weight limit... if you have the clones and they aren't vegged for very long and you immediately flower (like ive seen so many times on here) you get little autoflower looking ones that aren't producing that much, but could be considered one plant now if you had a sea of green with like 10 clones in a bucket growing and did the same thing you might get as much as you would if you grew and vegged for a month longer....different plants depending on how they are grown will produce different amounts of product (Hell my brother in cali has a few afghans that grow outside that produce at the minimal he says at least 2 pounds a plant things are like 9 foot tall huge bushes) all im saying is it shouldn't be determined by plant but by total weight your allowed... it might be harder to regulate saying yeah i have this much but most is still curing so its unusable so it doesn't count right now

The only thing about immediately flowering multiple clones per pot is that it would be hard to get good yields without doing like 10 or 12 plants per pot, and those pots would have to be quite large, so 'they' may start counting your individual plants.

I think the plant count thing is ridiculous, but it can be worked with. Tie and stake your plants and have really big lights, reflectors, and fans. You can trim a half lb per plant, if you flower around 3 feet, have something over a 7 foot ceiling, and have at least 7 ft2 dedicated to each plant. It's best to have at least one other person that you're caregiving for, so you can keep a couple mothers and several more clones/teens/adults, etc. But 12 plants is enough for a sustainable harvest, I feel. Ideally we'd have more, but hey, bloom where you're planted :) (or move to Oregon to have a pound and a half on hand and grow 18 plants per patient)
The only thing about immediately flowering multiple clones per pot is that it would be hard to get good yields without doing like 10 or 12 plants per pot, and those pots would have to be quite large, so 'they' may start counting your individual plants.

I think the plant count thing is ridiculous, but it can be worked with. Tie and stake your plants and have really big lights, reflectors, and fans. You can trim a half lb per plant, if you flower around 3 feet, have something over a 7 foot ceiling, and have at least 7 ft2 dedicated to each plant. It's best to have at least one other person that you're caregiving for, so you can keep a couple mothers and several more clones/teens/adults, etc. But 12 plants is enough for a sustainable harvest, I feel. Ideally we'd have more, but hey, bloom where you're planted :) (or move to Oregon to have a pound and a half on hand and grow 18 plants per patient)

p.s. in Oregon, I think it's actually 6 mature plants and 18 immature plants (but still a pound and a half of cured medicine)
The proper way to limit patient production is not by plant number. It is by physical size for the grow space. Say 25sq ft per patient should do it. Then you could run your 6-9 plants if you want or you could run a SOG in that space and pack in about 100. Up to you. Same canopy = same yield for the most part.
I agree doog. The thing is 1/2 of all your seeds will be male. The other half will be female but if you want to clone to find out sex of plants? You can't clone your 6 plants because than you'd have to have 12. That's my delima at the moment I guess i want to see some preflowers.
Once you get out of the seedling stage and are working with clones only you can keep 6 females. 3 vegging while 3 are blooming. Then you take 3 cuts when you move the veg plants to bloom and start over. This approach does require 2 grow spaces though. 1 for veg and 1 for bloom.
Hey everybody, how have you been riddleme? its been quite a while, i'm glad
you liked that write up on cannabinoids... This seemed like a proper place to let
everyone in the area know that my business just got up and running... you can
check my website at everything is squeeky clean, and
ready to push.. I'm here for all the patients with unreliable sources. We have to up
the quality of product in these so called "medical" dispenseries.
Hey everybody, how have you been riddleme? its been quite a while, i'm glad
you liked that write up on cannabinoids... This seemed like a proper place to let
everyone in the area know that my business just got up and running... you can
check my website at everything is squeeky clean, and
ready to push.. I'm here for all the patients with unreliable sources. We have to up
the quality of product in these so called "medical" dispenseries.

Lookin good my friend, I just finished my harvest got 4 oz's wet from my little plant and happy with the results, I have sent a few members to you for humbolt advice hope that is ok

The problem with doing what you're suggesting is that it will put you in violation of the possession limit of 2 oz. As soon as a plant yields more then 2oz dried you're breaking the law. Frankly, it's catch 22 situation because there is no way to guarantee that you won't get more then 2 oz out of any particular plant.


What's your success rate with cloning though? I haven't done it myself yet, but from what I've gathered off these boards it's very easy to lose a clone in the first few weeks while it's still developing roots, and you always risk losing them again when you transplant them to their pot. (i've learned that myself the hard way).

If everything goes perfectly every time you can get a perpetual grow running with 6 plants with a harvest every 2 weeks, but since when does everything go perfectly in any grow? I've had to delay flowering on my current group of vegging plants twice now due to circumstances beyond my control, so the schedule I was trying to establish has already been screwed up. I'm actually in violation of the plant count rules because I don't have the 50/50 ratio of vegging to flowering plants your supposed to have because of those delays(even though I'm not over my total plant limit), and I'm going to have to harvest the plants a little at a time to keep from going over the possession limit since they are likely to yield quite a bit more then I had planned on. I've jumped through all the hoops and have bent over backwards to try and do everything legally, and I still can't seem to quite stay within the silly ass limits they've imposed.
Harvesting every couple weeks sounds cool and its nice to have steady supply but I've found from personal experience that doing full crops give a better harvest overall.

I lost 1 clone this last round using Sure-to-grow cubes (crap, dont get em') but with my old rockwool methods I hadn't lost 1 in over a year prior to that.

The only number law enforcement is concerned with is the total plant number and even then as long as you are not WAY out of line you are OK. CDPHE officials have been quoted as saying that plant numbers are not a major concern in most cases. As far as the 50/50 goes, I've never seen a patient get in any trouble for having 6 total plants even if they are all in bloom, nor have I seen any issues with total weight on-hand (don't give police cause to get warrant). Now, I have seen a friend get in shit with the cops for having 8 plants instead of 6 but that was more because he was being an asshole to them when they came to his house on a separate issue. Even in that circumstance, he was not charged nor arrested.
Outdated laws do not reflect the general consensus of today's social majority regarding Cannabis and Ruderalis (Hemp). It is the right of the people of this Country to pursue what makes them happy and CHOOSE for them self. Looking around, its obvious that more and more people do not agree with sending people to prison for vaporizing, smoking, eating, or other wise ingesting Marijuana, a viable plant that hurts no one. It should not be up to the US world police to tell an adult what not to put into their own body. We MUST fight for change!
What's shaking guys? Got our application turned in Friday. What a pain in the arse. We were really sweating the distance to another dispensary but we came in at 1009FT. They measure from your front door to the nearest property line of the other dispensaries. We are in hopes that we will be up and running in march. Once the doors open please come by and say hello. We will be at the Cannabis Crown in Aspen as well. HUMBOLDT CARE AND WELLNESS CENTER DENVER CO... VonDank
Hi there "riddleme". I am in the process of moving to the area and finding someone online in the area to help me with info on how to become a patient. I have all my medical records ready and have an extensive history of problems with lower back pain. Any info you can relay to me would be greatly appreciated.
I'm getting really tired of people just moving here for the opportunity to take advantage of's probably part of the reason we have to have so many regulations...stay in your own fucking state and grow fuckers i've lived here my whole life and only now are people flooding in trying to eat up this idea they can finally be free and able to do whatever they want with no problems...sorry people but im colorado proud and your fucking with my state and the people that were here first and screwing their dreams up too...there's a reason why we are legal and your state isn't WE THE COLORADO(emphasize the coloradan) voters took it upon ourselves for ourselves and now everyone thinks that its a good thing for them too...Im just tired of hearing about everyone moving here and trying to get a job as a bud trimmer or a grower or they just want to get their card Leave it to the locals and the people who made the law jesus and maybe if your lucky your lazy stoners in your state will vote this way too...

It's not the same for California Everyone and their grandma moves there to "Make it Big" so Cali is full of the dreamers and wannabes that come from all over and they are use to that...I love this state and I just get pissed seeing it being used like its a two dollar hooker for those that want to try and make a business out of marijuana out of it...before hand these people didn't give two shits about this state or coming here...and the only reason that they are is because they want to do this legally...sounds like your using my state as a tool and you can FUCK OFF!
The US gov is looking for Production, Analysis, & Distribution of Cannabis & Marijuana Cigarettes..... CHECK IT OUT

MANY of those gov level postings only show up because the govt doesn't want to be sued for not being an 'equal opportunity employer'. 9 out of 10 gov level jobs are already filled before you ever see the posting, they just list the job opening as a formality. If you also check the requirements for the job they require a DEA approved secure facility for the job, nobody is getting one of those any day soon as the DEA keeps raidng all the new ones that try to apply for a license. Chances are that job is already taken... :(