Colorado Med Growers, Unite


Well-Known Member
I Some places ask you to make the disp. your caregiver. Thus allowing them to grow more plants and sell Members or you @ discounted prices. What was normally 50$ is now 30$ and so on. Only drawback to this is that you have given your growing rights to someone else. It is fine for those who do not have the time to deal with growing and it is a great deal for those. What I would like to see is law mandating that dispensers offer more than over the counter bud transactions on Colfax lol. MJ will never truly be LEGAL because if it is then the only ones who will benefit from it are money hungry jerks. I truly believe that if it were legal Marlboro would put it's foot in the mix and big business will stay big business and smaller mom and pop shops who actually NEED the $$ will be stuck with less quality strains and no $$. They will do a 360 on thier fight against MJ and make new commercials geared towards kids to smoke weed. Camel Joe The Blunt smoking Camel will have a new green Menthol flavor if you know what I mean.

You can have a caregiver & still cultivate your own 6 plants...3 veg 3 bloom. Don't believe me? Share your sources. AND on to my question..Has anyone used these F.F products and would you recommend them or whats better? I use DWC tek and it's time to bear fruit. THANKS
I've heard that arguement argued both ways, and the truth is no one knows for sure till someone has to go to court and the judge gives his interpertaion of the law and sets the presedent.

Same goes for my license to grow 20 plants. I'm not even sure if it will hold up in court because no one got tried yet, so a judge hasn't given his interpertaion yet.


Well-Known Member
Fellas, please try to avoid the big dreams of being able to support yourself on growing medical marijuana. The idea that you can make 120K a year from selling your closet grow is insane. Don't quit your day job.

A great goal for anyone starting up a medi grow is to never have to buy another gram of meds again. Being fully self-sufficient saves me tons of $$.
Agreed 10 fold
I could'nt put it in better words my self
What makes you guys say that?


Active Member
you guys dont watch the news or read anything about this it is being called the "green rush " id say there is a shit load of money to be made in this buisiness guys in Cali are clearing $300,000.00 to 500,000.00 profit why do u guys think this buisiness is almost dead?


Well-Known Member
Because there are little to no regulations...the feds could look at the books and be like alright you have 20 people you care for that's six plants a piece 60 plants in total and for shits a giggles we will say each plant produces 8 oz a piece 60 x 8 = 480 oz now i know of places that are selling over 200 oz a month sooooooooooooo....where's all this "extra" not regulated not really cared about pot coming from....prolly why shits going on the voting ballet in feb. can't wait to see what they are going to do?


Because there are little to no regulations...the feds could look at the books and be like alright you have 20 people you care for that's six plants a piece 60 plants in total and for shits a giggles we will say each plant produces 8 oz a piece 60 x 8 = 480 oz now i know of places that are selling over 200 oz a month sooooooooooooo....where's all this "extra" not regulated not really cared about pot coming from....prolly why shits going on the voting ballet in feb. can't wait to see what they are going to do?

8 oz per plant sounds unrealistic to me.


Active Member
In demand consumable commodities never die unless something else takes its place. And in the case of Marijuana i dont see that happening anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
you can do it but i meant that to be a completely out there number just to say that a lot of the medical stuff being sold isn't being regulated very well and by very well i mean at all


Active Member
Fellas, please try to avoid the big dreams of being able to support yourself on growing medical marijuana. The idea that you can make 120K a year from selling your closet grow is insane. Don't quit your day job.

A great goal for anyone starting up a medi grow is to never have to buy another gram of meds again. Being fully self-sufficient saves me tons of $$.




Active Member
maybe not 120k of a closet grow but 30 to 40k a year from a garage sounds more then reasonable , i moved hear just so i could make a living growing, construction is all dried up and the only other thing i know how to do is grow


Active Member
maybe not 120k of a closet grow but 30 to 40k a year from a garage sounds more then reasonable , i moved hear just so i could make a living growing, construction is all dried up and the only other thing i know how to do is grow

good luck :-)


Active Member
i agree i know buddies up there in denver making a living selling just clones maybe not getting rich but "making a living" and milehigh 20 x 6 is 120 not 60 and 8 ozs a plant maybe outdoors in cali or if you vegged a sativa untill it was huge but average is i bet 2.5 -4 ozs a plant which still translates to alot of cash ill tell you what dannygreeneyes(seeing how we r the only believers) lets get together and make a bunch of money and then we can tell everybody how we did it lol


Well-Known Member
I've heard it referred to as the green rush many times. Trouble is, during the gold rush not many people made a lot of money. Lots of people flocked to Cali during the rush but the people that made the most consistent monies were the guys selling axes and shovels. Sound familiar?


Well-Known Member
I've heard it referred to as the green rush many times. Trouble is, during the gold rush not many people made a lot of money. Lots of people flocked to Cali during the rush but the people that made the most consistent monies were the guys selling axes and shovels. Sound familiar?
yeah the local hydro stores are making bank :wall:


Well-Known Member
8 oz per plant sounds unrealistic to me.
I saw a thread on a different site where a guy claimed to be getting almost 4lbs a plant.

I'm on my first grow, and I've had a lot of problems. Dirt was too hot causing burns, and I didn't flush till week 7, 3 infestations, pulled over 150 clones because of cash flow problems, heat issues, etc.... and here's a group pic my girls taken last night.

They're 8 weeks old today so I should be putting them into flower, but I'm going to wait a week or two to make sure the Broad Mites are toast. Plus I still have to transplant 5 of them into 10 gallon containers. (I think the 10 gallon containers is actually bigger than 10 gallon, it's taking too much added soil to be 10 gallon)

And even with all those problems, this newbie is planning on getting 1/2lb to 3/4lb per plant.

1 lb isn't impossible, it just depends on the grower and the techniques being used.



Well-Known Member
i agree i know buddies up there in denver making a living selling just clones maybe not getting rich but "making a living" and milehigh 20 x 6 is 120 not 60 and 8 ozs a plant maybe outdoors in cali or if you vegged a sativa untill it was huge but average is i bet 2.5 -4 ozs a plant which still translates to alot of cash ill tell you what dannygreeneyes(seeing how we r the only believers) lets get together and make a bunch of money and then we can tell everybody how we did it lol
The only way I wont make that much is if the dispensories isn't paying half of retail for medicine. That's what I thought they meant. But here is the math, and I was being conservative.......

8 plants at 3/4 lb each is 6lbs every 2 months.
6 lbs is 96oz.
96oz. is 384 qtrs.
At half retail ($120 x .5 = $60) that's $23,040
$23,040 x 6 (every 2 months) = $138,240 not including any thing I make from clones.

The only way I'm not going to make at least $120k a yr is if the dispensories aren't willing to pay half of retail which is a general rule of retail (your local chain & mom n pop retailers are making no more than 100% profit on anything they sell)

And since I see dispensories advertising their need for medicine, I'm thinking I'll get 50% of retail, unless someone knows something that I don't.

P.S. If I can start getting 4lbs per plant, I'll be a millionaire in no time. lol

P.S.S. Those nubers are based on 8 plant harvests which is max for my walk in closet (7' x 4.5' x 8' tall) and my 20 plant license. Once I start making money I plan on taking on patients in order to grow more plants, and renting a bigger place to grow (either a small warehouse or a basement of a bigger house) so my profits should get bigger over time.


Well-Known Member
I've heard it referred to as the green rush many times. Trouble is, during the gold rush not many people made a lot of money. Lots of people flocked to Cali during the rush but the people that made the most consistent monies were the guys selling axes and shovels. Sound familiar?
The ones that made the money were the ones that picked the right areas and used the right techniques while the ones that didn't make money thought they were stupid for using those techniques and prospecting in thos areas.

It all depends on the techniques and the areas you sell your medicine.

The laws may get in the way, that's why I'm staying mobile. If they pass any fucked up laws, I'm on my way to greener pastures. :bigjoint: