Colorado Med Growers, Unite


Well-Known Member
Hello all Colorado Med Growers

I know there are several of us in here, I thought it might be a good idea to have a place to discuss the various hydro stores, dispenseries and grow techniques, current law/rule changes, security etc.

I am friends with 2 local caregivers and 3 med growers (we talk all the time)

I just simply thought if we share info we can make things easier and better

I will kick it off by telling everyone that Paulinos Gardens (a few blocks north of 58th ave on Broadway in Denver) is open 7 days a week year round and carries a lot of what we want at very reasonable prices (they are a Fox Farm distributor), very cool place !

Come Join Us :weed:
Hello, Thx for the info about Paulino gardens. I am waiting for my MMR and in the process of choosing eqpt. right now.
Thanks for the info my friend, I am moving my equipment up to Denver in late June. I'll have my card and many others by mid January. I'm in Texas now, full of haters! Really crooked here
MedicalM in Loveland has the best price. From $11/gr to 18/gr. Plus he gives classes how to grow for people who dont know how. I am a card holder and I am a legit person in pain not no young kid who has no reason for a damn card. Sorry I know there are some 18 yr that needs the meds too but I am seeing ALOT of them getting out of a car full of 18 yr one goes into dispensory gets some meds and comes out to the car everyone is all happy when he comes out. TICKS my ass off. Enough of me whinning.


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All I have heard is that they want there to be a more permanant doctor/patient relationship due to the overwhelming number of patients (49%) all done by only 5 doctors (note that they were on some kind of suspension? was in the paper, I did not read it but was told about it)

I gotta say I agree the doc/patient relationship should be real
Hey Kenwood

yeah I'm in my 50's seen the same crap at a dispensery here in denver, gonna take the powers that be some time but they will iron it out
I'll definitely be going back to the same doctor when I need to renew, to keep my
"bona fide" doctor patient relationship.

In all actuallity, they can't really make a law reducing this kind of stuff, Doctors
have a fundamental first ammendment right to tell you whether your debilitating
illness would be helped by Marijuana. And in colorado, as part of ammendment 20
if you have been told by a doctor *Verbally* or *written* that you might benefit
from the use of marijuana you are entitled to use it as medicine. This is not a prescription
to obtain marijuana, only a license verifying you might benefit from the use because of
said condition... There's no way to limit who a doctor can and can't tell might benefit
from it, only if you were to see a doctor and he would specifically say you definitely
WOULDN'T benefit from it.
I had a friend tell me that he talked to a med card holder this weekend that was prescribed 25 plants (to grow) instead of 6 because he does not smoke only does edibles and the doc told him you'll need more plants to make your edibles

was the first time I had heard that

PS welcome Shrubs, glad to have ya here!
And if you're lookin for a GREAT dispensery here in colorado...
check out delivery only dispensery, but he will
never show up with anything less than GRADE A organic herb, and
it will NEVER be more than $50.00 INCLUDING taxes...
Just check the website, shoot him an email and leave your name
and number and he'll get back to you within a day and have your
herb within 2 days..
Ya I'll probably try and get my edibles card next time,
there is a doctor up in Nederland which I know hooks them up..
I think they are for 24 plants, 12 veg 12 flower.
Another dispensery robery in the news tonight, puts us up to 30 or so now

I don't get why they didn't think this would happen ???
Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself real quick. Just moved out here 6 months ago and I'm using MMJ for arthritis in my lower back. Thanks for the invite riddleme.

I personally hope they don't regulate the Dr/Patient relationships, there are other ways to weed out the bad apples. If I'm not mistaken there's language in the new medical insurance legislation that prohibits it's use for MMJ, and I'm sure that Dr. visits are included under that "MMJ language umbrella", if you know what I'm saying. And I don't know about you guys, but I can't afford the Dr. visits out of pocket right now. Heck I'm trying to figure out how to survive till my first harvest 2.5 months from now, not including drying & curing time. (Also have lower extremity adema which is keeping me from working - I hope I can sell a bunch of these clones off to help me survive).

I haven't visited Paulinos yet but I plant to. I want to get some of the Dyna-Gro, but I already started with organic nutes so I have to wait till my next grow.

Nice job on the thread riddle me, nice meeting everyone.
Any body ever heard of this?

I had a fellow grower tell me he does this all the time.

I googled it and only found one post (different forum) where they agreed but said the additional growth was not all that

so I decided to try it

picked my smallest bud and gave her a hair cut similar to fimming, will keep posting updates to see if it works


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hey guys waz up ive been hopin for a colorado thread i tried to get one goin couple weeks ago im dwn here in pueblo west 2 disp. just opened i october marrisol seems to be the best got stuff that knocks me in the dirt and im a pretty heavy smoker just got my recomendation couple wks ago hope to get some clones goin soon even at 50 an 1/8 cant afford it too much longer and i use it for extreme pain from arthritis in my knees and also have siezures so i want to try the edibles card also sorry so long where you all at