Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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Well-Known Member
about the whole 9/11 deal..
even if you dont like rap tough it out.. i remember watching all the shit on the news, i do believe the government had something to do with it... listen to that song and tell me 1 thing in that song is false
Read it yourself instead of asking the Government why
Cause then the cause of death will cause the propaganda to die thats the last lyric.. the dude with the homer avatar knows whats up

as for this douche... who committed something way bigger then a misdemeanor

hes just a certifiable nut, aint no way this was a conspiracy
Right now there is alot of rumors circulating that the red head dude is a body double.


Well-Known Member
Right now there is alot of rumors circulating that the red head dude is a body double.
yeah and i bet more people believed it about paul mccartney.. this is actually pretty cool, but it aint true

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Right now there is alot of rumors circulating that the red head dude is a body double.
And I saw Elvis leaving the local KFC last night. Dude get your head out of your ass.

I left this thread asking for some solid evidence that 9-11 was an inside job perpetrated by our government instead of the "official story" and this is what I come back to?

I don't know enough about controlled demolitions to say BS but what I can say is take all of the fishy facts as a whole and you have to be retardedly retarded to believe the official story.

This is a perfect example of why the truth is so easily hidden. You say some BS about Shaggy which I know is a sure sign of someone to avoid but newbies or those less familiar with him will file that away and from now on not really know why they think shit about him.
So you have no actual evidence, and don't understand the underlying physics and chemistry, but "something just doesn't add up" to you? Therefore it must have been an inside job? I don't understand your jump in logic.

And how is that an example of how the truth is so easily hidden? Newbies and those less familiar with finshaggy should be forewarned about his lack of credibility. Fin is off his rocker and nothing he says should be taken at face value. I don't even understand what you are driving at with that point.

I visited the site that was posted. Absolute garbage. The first video on the web page is about aliens and abductions. The first "hot topic" is a guy that believes the conspiracy theory, but has NO EVIDENCE or any reason to believe it whatsoever, so he is asking for evidence on the web page. Some conspiracy theorist jump to his aid and provide half baked and nonsensical ideas that are not backed with any evidence, and they are are thoroughly debunked within that thread. The rest of the threads on the front page are of similar quality. A totally worthless site with no credibility.

Does anyone have any actual evidence?


Well-Known Member
yeah man keep your head in the sand. It's a clip of actual firefighters telling you they saw molten steel flowing in the building. You are talking about the underlying physics well tell me what temperature steel burns at, then tell me what temperature jet fuel burns at, then tell me what temperature Thermite is. There was tons of evidence of thermite use all over.


Well-Known Member
not the video I've been looking for but... it does mention the fire proofing being knocked off as I mentioned...
stay high
This Denver place is suspicious...
[video=youtube;fZJ2sqVlSfs] r=1[/video]


Well-Known Member
here you go another video for you guys signs everywhere...

stay high


Well-Known Member
This Denver place is suspicious...
[video=youtube;fZJ2sqVlSfs] r=1[/video]
hard for me to take this bitch seriously when i wanna choke her with that annoyin ass voice. so what the runways are set like that? you do know that symbol is older than the nazi's an is a symbol of peace right? smh i love how this bitch is comin to conclusions on her own as to what the stuff underground is.


Well-Known Member
did you watch this shit when it went down? remember right when it happened they arrested i think 4 white dudes for it... where'd they go?


Well-Known Member
Could have happened I guess. But sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be - a sad guy that lost it and took lives.


Well-Known Member
And I saw Elvis leaving the local KFC last night. Dude get your head out of your ass.

I left this thread asking for some solid evidence that 9-11 was an inside job perpetrated by our government instead of the "official story" and this is what I come back to?

So you have no actual evidence, and don't understand the underlying physics and chemistry, but "something just doesn't add up" to you? Therefore it must have been an inside job? I don't understand your jump in logic.

And how is that an example of how the truth is so easily hidden? Newbies and those less familiar with finshaggy should be forewarned about his lack of credibility. Fin is off his rocker and nothing he says should be taken at face value. I don't even understand what you are driving at with that point.

I visited the site that was posted. Absolute garbage. The first video on the web page is about aliens and abductions. The first "hot topic" is a guy that believes the conspiracy theory, but has NO EVIDENCE or any reason to believe it whatsoever, so he is asking for evidence on the web page. Some conspiracy theorist jump to his aid and provide half baked and nonsensical ideas that are not backed with any evidence, and they are are thoroughly debunked within that thread. The rest of the threads on the front page are of similar quality. A totally worthless site with no credibility.

Does anyone have any actual evidence?
Let me ask you this. Do you see the reason for Bush to implement a false flag policy?
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