Colorado marijuana regulators sign off on pot tourism

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Your lower digestive tract would become a three-ring circus in killer bee country. cn
I've always said I'll try anything once. This came to haunt me after trying some sashimi style jellyfish. The consistency and look of snot with bloody flecks in it. I managed to swallow it and it stayed down. Not without protest. Sooo... never again.


Ursus marijanus
I've always said I'll try anything once. This came to haunt me after trying some sashimi style jellyfish. The consistency and look of snot with bloody flecks in it. I managed to swallow it and it stayed down. Not without protest. Sooo... never again.
I love sushi. I mean I looove sushi. My single worst experience with my digestive tract came after one place served the larger roe, salmon I think. I knew I wes in trouble minutes after my mouth caught fire. I'd never had a real food allergy before. Within 30 minutes I was simultaneously clearing my action from breech and muzzle. I'll never forget drinking OJ and then 15 minutes later shitting clean OJ that still smelled fresh. (Never pour OJ onto a flayed sphincter. It stings some.) That was the one time in my life I was certain I wasn't full of, uhm, oh look! Cars!! cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I love sushi. I mean I looove sushi. My single worst experience with my digestive tract came after one place served the larger roe, salmon I think. I knew I wes in trouble minutes after my mouth caught fire. I'd never had a real food allergy before. Within 30 minutes I was simultaneously clearing my action from breech and muzzle. I'll never forget drinking OJ and then 15 minutes later shitting clean OJ that still smelled fresh. (Never pour OJ onto a flayed sphincter. It stings some.) That was the one time in my life I was certain I wasn't full of, uhm, oh look! Cars!! cn
LOL - I don't think I want an orange juice dispenser like that. Fresh smelling or not. ;)


Ursus marijanus
LOL - I don't think I want an orange juice dispenser like that. Fresh smelling or not. ;)
The bright side is you'll have no issues with that roommate who puts the container back in the fridge not quite empty. After drinking from the [word] spout. cn


Well-Known Member
I swear this country gets better to live in every day, now if they could just socialize health care....
Plus rep OP for spreadin the good word. Im so interested to see how these legal for all dispenseries work out in Washington as well. What a great thing it will be not living in fear. Damnit im not a criminal! Read my sig VVV lol Im so happy this is going mainstream and hitting the papers like it is. Jez its just a plant for petes sakes, a plant that makes me get stuff done, be more aware of everything around me, and control my emotions better. Well i got a break so i think im going to go have a couple tokes of some dank dank and finnish off a couple projects. Itll probably be a little while before other states follow suit but they will. Im sure theyre just using the two states to test systems out and see how much money them crooks can syphon out of it. When it covers the states all we have to do is start planting the ditches with it and we win. Over grow it :):):)