Colorado Indoor to Outdoor 2020 page! Questions and comments!


Well-Known Member
Wondering what everyone else in this area are doin for the indoor to outdoor setups this year
I have ladies I’ve been “ hardening “ on decent days
And have cage hoop rings ready for all my ladies that aren’t getting Scrogged
Excited to work both of these methods and see the benefits of each
Garden looks phenomenal there are plants everywhere!!! Very surprised and satisfied!
Gonna have atleast two solid 5x10, 5x15 scrogs comepletely filled with ladies!
And then those surrounded by more ladies :eyesmoke:
They are handling the cold weather phenomenally.
The seedlings in the garden that is.
For me It seems if my Cannabis seeds pop and sprouts outside in the freezing cold and frosting mornings through early mid April for me this year
It will be fine through the spring freezes to a extent
My belief is that these may be young but they have developed somewhat, germinated and grew to a seedling in this climate the last two weeks and this last two weeks were colder and during those they were more vulnerable to the ecosystem and environment changes and has survived thus far.
But a no plant that is even 6” plus in a pot
Or freshly transplanted has been handling the cold at all
Completely wrecking them.
So with my bigger ladies that are less acclimated I’m super patient with when the weather will truly allow this lady to have its best chance at adapting to outdoors and it’s elements.
Willing to wait to even early June and move them in nightly if needed
But these little seedlings out here don’t give no fucks about the cold :finger:
It’s phenomenal
And something I’ve noted
We got atleast ten more strains to work with besides the 20 we had originally to start this year
Things are getting really interesting this year and I’m excited to work with all these fun combos!
New additions!
Daddy Issues F2 V1 ———:D
Tony Clifton F2———-:twisted: (rare dankness)
Ghost of Leroy F3————:cool:( rare dank ness)
BackCrossed GG#4 x Padlock:p
GG #4 x Jabbawocky
Jabbawocky x Starkiller OG ( raredankness genetics)——-
Jabbawocky x Ghost of Leeroy
Jet fuel G7 x Padlock ——
Jetfuel G7 x Jabbawocky
WiFi Og x Jabbawocky
Chose five of these strains and planted two of each marked with ———-
Had 2 Starkillers peek up on me today
And the 2 daddy issues are looking great and 2 GOLR aswell!
All the Dutch Passion Seeds Germinated.
Gelato OG
Banana blaze
And Frisian Duckfoot
All germinated and on the way up!
Had the first one show itself today too
A blueberry!
super excited for the Duckfoot to come up!
really interesting strain visually and I’m looking forward to confusing some friends and family with a nice Bush in the frontyard of it lol:eyesmoke:
Then there’s our back
The Garden has atleast 80+ in it
A mix of Haole
Black Domina x Haole
And Pink Lady’s
And again
There freakin all over!
Still need sexed!
Couldn’t ask for a better 420!
Life everywhere!
Coming in with the three leaves off the start!:weed::blsmoke:

“This kind of mutation is also very pretty. Cannabis plants have a great deal of natural geometry. This mutation creates a slightly different kind. Regular plants have two leaves that grow from each internode. Whorled phyllotaxy plants have three leaves instead. Plants with a whorled phyllotaxy tend to be extra bushy. That said, the trait is not useful to breeders as it can lead to greater yields, but will disappear once attempted to be bred and replicated. “- Royal crown seeds
gonna enjoy growing the plant tho
Pretty neat!:bigjoint:
Got a Item #9 to pop but isn’t doing wel
germinating my last 2/3
Definitely gonna have to breed a cutting to keep the genes.
Have one left
Funny story That same day I got my 9 stitches from the tpost in the garden while I was build a wind fence! Lol
Neat little backstory for our legendary mystery strain that my buddy is Keeping in his back pocket so I’ll keep coming back !
And I love it !:hug:
This years been a whirl wind already!
Threw a peice of trellis net over the haole attached by bamboo in four corners
Exploring with that one!
Excited to see the results!
Hoping more seeds pop inside but we will see!
Gonna give them as much time as I can .
Enjoying the idea of working with over 30 different strains this year!:hump:
What’s your guys opinions and experience with the colorado springtime weather and how it has affect your growing!?


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Ancient Word here is when the snow is off the Ute Mountain.
and we are right there lol snow gone 90% but the top still has some .
All it takes is one storm in the next couple weeks and it will re fill back in with snow... and that means that storm is shortly after gonna blast my ladies
I know what to expect out of the southwests spring storm I’m excited to see how all the little ones that haven’t had issues starting in the cold do if we do get another late storm/snow
If they become the monsters I’m hoping for I’ll figure out a way to cover the scrogs for sure from the hail
And think in the meantime of ways to cover
Bear sized bushels lol cuz I’m going to have a lot of them! Haha! Happy 420 :weed:
I grew monsters outdoors when I lived by the Ute mountain. The soil I used to get from some local growers and the good dry sunny days made for giants!
I miss southwest CO it’s one of the greatest places imo. Oklahoma has been a huge change in my growing habits lol. I feel like I had good success starting in spring and had grows that went into early November.
I grew monsters outdoors when I lived by the Ute mountain. The soil I used to get from some local growers and the good dry sunny days made for giants!
I miss southwest CO it’s one of the greatest places imo. Oklahoma has been a huge change in my growing habits lol. I feel like I had good success starting in spring and had grows that went into early November.
That’s what I’m talkin about my guy :eyesmoke:
Southwest Colorado has got great summer sun!
We’ve had amazing luck so far even with a couple frosts but the weather fluctuates so much and quick here.
Suns so dang strong today even
I set a few of my ladies out And went to town for groceries
Not a cloud in the sky
3-4 hours
Came back
Noticed the wind was picking up and storm was rolling in quick and noticed some slight sunburning on a couple and immediately pulled them back in
Didn’t even get them al in before On my way! Rain and wind was whipping lol
Just not enough “hardening” yet :blsmoke:
And I personally feel like the altitude leads to amplified uv rays and sunburning
Even in us humans lol
6,000 feet closer to the sun makes a difference for sure
Idc what anyone says.
I’m a firm believer that
Altitude definitely plays a big role in sunlight and UV.:hump:
The storms here are pretty gnarly aswell
I feel like half my battle is some sort of wind protection and protecting them from the not so often but undoubtedly coming 50 + mph winds to come with some of these storms throughout the spring and summer.
Extreme weather out here for sure
Like extremely good.:weed:
Or extremely bad.:wink::cuss:
Not much in between lol


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Things are looking great!
All is well
The weather has been all time down here
Last few days it’s been in the 80s outside
Watering lots!
And more than usual in count aswell
My brobeans showed up!
And brought his bubba kush mother a few Haole mother’s. And all the clones he took from them in his clone machine :weed:
We will see what he wants to leave here and what he takes with him onward :cool:
Had a small issue with half the sprayers for the first couple days but figured it out and saved most all the clones out of the machine !
Kids a fuckin wizard!
im lucky to have his guidance and support and he taught me everything I know and has always been on the frontlines of our experience. Through good and bad.
But this year things are as good as it gets so far.
The garden is looking all time with plants :joint:
Enjoying this and not minding this virus possibly costing me my well paying traveling summer job where I would leave this to my brother and colleagues to finish this year.
only time will tell! but I’m loving every minute of this and can see the growth by the day!
Check em!
Everything will be permanently outside soon
Still expecting atleast one more cold snap so still carrying potted and fabric pots and little ones in every night and morning but the garden life is growing crazy fast!
The haole has responded so well to my Mini scrog
That my brother decided to have me do something similar with one of his haole mothers!:D
Snows off the Ute and all this sun has our crop loving life!
And the trifecta plant is in competition mode to be the biggest lol had to cover a couple to get a good pic !
Got a bunch of vegetable seeds germinating now! And looking forward to a full garden this year :hump:


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Update :hump:
Decided to go with a greenhouse this year For all the ladies that aren’t in the garden :weed:B4087939-457A-4214-B10A-24B6546FAA82.jpeg
Had an old cage greenhouse 18 feet long 10 feet wide and 12 feet tall in the middle out of angle iron and hog fencing laying Out in our field from moving a friends a couple years ago.....
So... I said screw it let’s do this
Snagged my buddy’s flux core welder and. Extra friend for a hand! Drug the pieces up from the field and bam Like magic we got it up and welded in one day!76BA6BE7-870F-44EB-8E8E-1A65D44EC3A4.jpeg
And wrapped 80% of it yestarday!:bigjoint:
Using lumber to Sam-wich the tarp to the cage to keep it pinned tight.
Left a few plants in it over night
As last night was the coldest it will be for while around here
Down to 30:blsmoke:
And all the ladies I left out
Look great!
Super excited
Gonna try for a shade net today to cover the top!
And one last chunk of tarp for the door!DD4B5A34-C2E7-4504-84FF-11AC75AA445C.jpeg
I’ll by about 80ft worth of 2x4 and make a nice trim piece horizontally across the top and bottoms!
Should look great by the end of the it! We will see what I can accomplish today!:weed:
I’ll post more pics as it comes!
Thoughts?! Questions? comments! and concerns!?
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Looks good bro! Keep it up. Things are warming up in your neck of the woods.
Thanks man! The weather has been all time lately !!!!!! But I was starting to wonder if anyone saw this thread or ever would :hug:
Just finished watering, B055AAB6-FE58-4ADB-BAD2-AD78BA85A4BC.jpeg
Spent way too muchon these nets but I said f it and got the nets over the top and this big fan going!
Haven’t decided finally placement but it can be hung aswell.
We will see how they like the new setup6CD7205E-BB4F-474A-9EE5-3CAD335DB2A5.jpeg :bigjoint:the garden is absolutely taking off .
What a jungle to come !!! 9AECC718-AE46-4FEE-BEFE-D2BEE6EA8C0C.jpeg
Got some veggies to transplant out to the greenhouse and garden aswelll! Life is good!:hump:image.jpg


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I like it. I like seeing people repurposing things for various projects. When you're used to living an hour plus from town, you get used to repurposing stuff.

Might I suggest a couple of 2x4s or long poles as angle bracing on the end walls (corner to corner)? It'll add significant strength and prevent the whole shebang from blowing over in a heavy wind. I've lived on the east side of the Rockies, and weather can get funny (someone else already has mentioned the hail aspect).
Thanks man! The weather has been all time lately !!!!!! But I was starting to wonder if anyone saw this thread or ever would :hug:
Just finished watering, View attachment 4559388
Spent way too muchon these nets but I said f it and got the nets over the top and this big fan going!
Haven’t decided finally placement but it can be hung aswell.
We will see how they like the new setupView attachment 4559389 :bigjoint:the garden is absolutely taking off .
What a jungle to come !!! View attachment 4559390
Got some veggies to transplant out to the greenhouse and garden aswelll! Life is good!:hump:View attachment 4559393
View attachment 4559394
not to be a buzzkill, but i hope your neighbors are cool. outdoor growing is no bueno in CO. just a heads up so the police don't come a knockin one day.
Not a problem.. My neighbors grow bigger and harder than I do! Lol
And I am medical patient with increased plant count :clap:

today with the net I just bought another 120 ft of 2x4 for the horizontal trim for top and bottom !
Coming in the next day or two before the wind can cause the damage your talking about!:?:

That’s your recommendation right?
and absolutely I’m all about repurposing anything I can to do the job!

and the shade net is more for the Vegetables herbs, anything that unlike Cannabis and can’t take full loads of sunlight.
Like lettuce and flowers and shiznit!
The net also prevents rain damage and only lets the water get a little momentum before hitting the plant by stoping then rolling through just above or off the net and the same with hail!
It encourages stretching to a certain degree but it’s not fully wrapped with plastic for that reason aswell I want as much light for the Cannabis as possible and airflow with it
I’ve had pm in the past and I can’t stand it.
id rather not have to deal with it in the first place by keeping better airflow and better light where I can?!
The net can come off come deep flowering there bungjeed in multiple spots per net but still removable once the rest of the greenhouse has been harvested and such on go:hump:I’d rather have a little stretching in the stems then moisture and on issues from too much moisture in dense areas and not enough airflow to the foliage.
The lock needs to be something other than a bungee cord, lol.
It’s not finished I’m trying to finish it today.
being so far from town I forget things such as a lock and t posts, some bailing wire etc and I wanted to wait and see how it held up to the win as is and I’ve decided not totarp the last section
Instead It will be another net
Less dark and bigger holes for more light.
I like the nets over tarp
Because of how easily removed they can be later in the season if things start getting to tall or I want more light in the buds etc
I can move accordingly
This entire property is fenced and has a locked gate marked with no trespassing signs so technically it is locked up and away from the public.
But I understand what you mean.
Regardless of if I lock the greenhouse up or not the garden is wide open
But I kinda like it that way
That garden is filled with a bunch of bulk seeds that I know know grow well out here and I still have a bunch more lol :hump:
but within the greenhouse is my secret stash of strains that I’m going to work with some clones and some colloidal silver we have and have worked with before to breed some feminized seeds and new strains this year!
If someone was to come
I think they would go for the easiest grab and that’s right in the garden lol
I have 4 dogs aswell
Pit/ Great Pyrenees
And a Brendal mountain curr
Nothing moves without them seeing hahaha unless I have a treat.....then they could care less if we’re getting robbed lol they want a treat. :hump:
been robbed once before a few years ago
Indoor actually
Got us for a few lbs
Came home to a room looking like gods holy light
I could see the room glowing from the highway and knew something was wrong because I had left the tents sealed and closed. Both veg and flower.
They took all the flowering plants and burned our vegging plants with a lighter or something
They never were the same
I freaked
Did some digging.
Found out who did it within a week.
Went to the next gathering of minds with alcohol and illicit substances.
seen em with my shit
Handled it.
Had a broken hand at the time and a cast on it
Thing was like a club
Haven’t got anyone that good since
Needless to say
Never happened again
And never seen them again either :clap: