Colorado bans gummy weed candies

Most children's vitamins the gummy kind don't have iron in them because you can Overdose on it and children tend to eat lots of vitamins since they are basically candy
Added vitamins are snake oil. I think it's great they market candy as something good for you, shows how gullible people are. Still, if the law is based on the fact that people believe shaped gummies=candy to kids, and kids shouldn't be eating vitamins like candy. only makes sense to hold vitamin manufactures to the same standards, or repeal the law. Sounds discriminatory to me.
People don't use common sense tho

Cannbis edibles or gummies should be kept safe and away from children

The law in this is stupid but it's there because some people or bad apples are stupid or mischievous children[/QUOTE]
So make a law effecting millions because of a handful of idiots? That makes sense in a free country.

I can't get this to format correctly?
Added vitamins are snake oil. I think it's great they market candy as something good for you, shows how gullible people are. Still, if the law is based on the fact that people believe shaped gummies=candy to kids, and kids shouldn't be eating vitamins like candy. only makes sense to hold vitamin manufactures to the same standards, or repeal the law. Sounds discriminatory to me.
Of course children shouldn't eat gummies vitamins like candy but because they do so they don't put iron in them
Since you can OD I just thought maybe you would like the info since you were speaking about vitamins
Yep, saw 'em in BigLots recently.....mainly off brand stuff, but they look very similar to the 'candy smokes' we had years ago.

Does anyone remember the bubble gum cigars in blue and pink? Pink was cotton candy and blue was, well, 'blue flavor', heh.
fuck yeah!