Color of plant


I fill like my girl needs more N she's in preflower stretch right now so I'm a little worried about giving her any? Its dwc beautiful white roots with 2 line air pump running a top feed and air atone. I also have a second pump and air atone for extra oxygen in the water for roots. I'm running rootfarm base part one with flower & bloom rootfarm part 2 with RAW CAL/MAG & RAW Pottassium liquid Kelp seaweed extract by GROW MORE. With a dash on FFOS. PH is stable at 5.8 and my ppms are at 1300 right now but I run it at 1500ppm and she loves it no signs of burnt tips or any darkness to roots. She is under a hydroMars t600 and 2 feit electric 3 adjustable spectrum grow light, one on each side of t600. Temp in tent stays at 78°f water stays at 70°f and ventilation with 6 inch inline carbon filter inside tent blowing out for no smell. Opinions please. She just looks a little like greenish to me. Should I try a little espom salt maybe

