color change


Active Member
hi all i searched the forum but didnt find much and this is my problem, my plants are about 3-4 weeeks old and iv noticed the biggest 1 had lighter green marks on it lol its hard to explain but its like its changing to a lighter green. I wanna no is it to much watering do u think ????


Well-Known Member
Are you flowering? Also what nutes you using? Light green on new growth or just all over? What light you running?


Active Member
no im stilll in veg and for nues im using BIO BIZZ BIO GROW + BIO BLOOM + iv only just used the tinyiest amount at the moment on the oldest plant which is 3 weeks old and i used the correct 1 for the beg stage.My light i have a 300w cfl and its all over the leaves


Well-Known Member
Pictures please to be accurate diagnosis but i would guess nitrogen defficiency but without pics is hard to tell


Well-Known Member
Sounds as if the bigger one is sucking down the nutes.. might be a slight nitrogen deficiency...

But, better too little, than too much.


Active Member
kmoo - looks a little like that but not as bad the plant looks fine just when you get closer u can see a few lighter splashes hear n ther thanks for all ur help and my camera is fucked at the mo