Colonial silver


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps,
Incredibly hard to source beans in Aussie,,
Time to have a go at making a few of my own,

Have all the basics and are ready to go but, I made some colloidal silver to 30 ppm, the last few days and it is a little cloudy or something like that, is this your normal and is 30 ppm a recommended rate for trying this system
Hey peeps,
Incredibly hard to source beans in Aussie,,
Time to have a go at making a few of my own,

Have all the basics and are ready to go but, I made some colloidal silver to 30 ppm, the last few days and it is a little cloudy or something like that, is this your normal and is 30 ppm a recommended rate for trying this system

30 ppm will work. What water did you use? If you didn't use distilled water there could be stuff in the water that can cause it to become cloudy. It should have an amber color.

Good luck
Yes I did use distilled water, and it is an amber colour,
I'm not really sure how long to veg, before starting the treatment with colloidal silver, I have read you start applying collodial silver a week before flip, ??
COLLOIDAL, not colonial lol :)
As an Aussie it's easy enough to buy colloidal silver (aim for the highest PPM), but its also easy enough to buy silver and make your own (I've done it before, and successfully resulted in feminised seeds)
When it is the day you flip to 12/12 (or flower starts) .. a light spritz a day is all it takes.. you dont need to turn it silver by saturating it, it honestly doesn't take much