Colodial silver on an auto, to polinate another auto.. what do you get


Well-Known Member
Ive got seed production on my mind for the upcoming grow season and am loving the idea of growing autos outdoors, but would love to make my own auto seeds.

If I were to buy a pack of auto feminized seeds from a seedbank, start them, spray a few branches with colodial silver, collect pollen. Then use said pollen to pollenate another plant grown from auto feminized seed (that would be started later in the season so give it time to develope the seeds)

Would you produce auto feminized seeds at that point?

Cheers to big new years joints
Spraying some colodial on one plant, and chucking its pollen on another doesnt sounds to horrible.

Sure it may cost me both plants at worst, but thats what $25? For 50 seeds I could possibly create thats no problem at all
Try to collect pollen, & after u get your first batch of seeds, germ @ once, then used saved pollen on that , its called a F2.............then same again, this will help stsbilize the gene pool............i think u have to go to a F5 before your almost pure, if ya lucky , pollen will last 4 about a year, in fridge

Theres a thread on here by Highlowgrow........called BKR project lets roll............hes gone back to a F6, check it out, lots of imfo there............& rember when breeding seeds u dont need a big plant, 20-25 cm is all u need for a plant, but its better to get the 1 u wanna collect pollen from bigger.............good lu

Good info, i need to read up on breeding a little it sounds like I thought it was a little easier. Just wanted to chuck some pollen and make some autos
Theres a thread on here called A Guide To Colloidal Silver check it out its very good & the member who started it is more than happy to answer any Questions , its Quite an old thread, well worth looking for

Spraying some colodial on one plant, and chucking its pollen on another doesnt sounds to horrible.

Sure it may cost me both plants at worst, but thats what $25? For 50 seeds I could possibly create thats no problem at all
Just plant in solo cups and keep them small or wait til after chop and leave a couple lower buds. Its the same way breeders do it. Either cs or sts. Sts has a higher success rate.

This was a Heisenberg auto. I crossed it to a couple other autos and one photo plant.
Try to collect pollen, & after u get your first batch of seeds, germ @ once, then used saved pollen on that , its called a F2.............then same again, this will help stsbilize the gene pool............i think u have to go to a F5 before your almost pure, if ya lucky , pollen will last 4 about a year, in fridge

Theres a thread on here by Highlowgrow........called BKR project lets roll............hes gone back to a F6, check it out, lots of imfo there............& rember when breeding seeds u dont need a big plant, 20-25 cm is all u need for a plant, but its better to get the 1 u wanna collect pollen from bigger.............good lu

F1 will be stable and uniform. Its the way 90% of the seed chuckers out there do it.
Not 100% sure about that...........i crossed a green crack back to a green crack & it shot of all over the place, but it is a hybrid , so i think it was a bad choice on my behalf, anyway its all interesting
Ive got seed production on my mind for the upcoming grow season and am loving the idea of growing autos outdoors, but would love to make my own auto seeds.

If I were to buy a pack of auto feminized seeds from a seedbank, start them, spray a few branches with colodial silver, collect pollen. Then use said pollen to pollenate another plant grown from auto feminized seed (that would be started later in the season so give it time to develope the seeds)

Would you produce auto feminized seeds at that point?

Cheers to big new years joints

Answer is yes. You can take that pollen and dust the same plant to produce seeds or take that pollen and dust other plants to make a cross.

Couple things to think about:

1) Start misting the fem plant when it's ~10".
2) Start this plant before the others.
3) Dust the receiving plant/plants somewhat early so the seeds develop.
4) A little bit of pollen goes a long way and FLOATS.
I was hoping for full auto seeds if I bought collected the pollen from a CS sprayed female, and used it on another female
Pollenating one auto with another using CS, you get a feminized auto hybrid. You should look into Punnett Squares. The Ruderalis genetics are what give it the autoflower ability. That doesn't go away if you breed two autos with CS.
should, @ten year veteran did that a while ago to my recollect
Good info, i need to read up on breeding a little it sounds like I thought it was a little easier. Just wanted to chuck some pollen and make some autos

Hey guys and girls if any here lol. Has any1 tried stressing an auto to herm? the results will be female auto seeds... and I've never had the seeds herm out
Hey guys and girls if any here lol. Has any1 tried stressing an auto to herm? the results will be female auto seeds... and I've never had the seeds herm out
what sort of atress did they go through? ive tried not harvesting the lower skirt of buds but got no male parts outof it. a bit different then what youre asking but, thats all iv tried
Hey guys and girls if any here lol. Has any1 tried stressing an auto to herm? the results will be female auto seeds... and I've never had the seeds herm out
Yeah I've done that before accidentally. A red light switch from a power bar was shinning on one auto and caused it to herm out quite badly. I isolated the plant in its own little closet with some shitty lights and let her/he go. It produced lots of pollen and seeded itself quite heavily. I got around 200-300 seeds after it was finished. The resulting seeds were all female and produced good bud! With no light leaks none of the offspring turned hermy themselves!
what sort of atress did they go through? ive tried not harvesting the lower skirt of buds but got no male parts outof it. a bit different then what youre asking but, thats all iv tried

Any and all stress is good stress when trying to get one to herm. water too often, not water enough, too much nutrients etc